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About Kustom52Mopar

  • Birthday 05/12/1982


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    St. Louis

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  1. http://stlouis.craigslist.org/pts/2179774127.html Saw this ad that was posted this afternoon, thought I'd share. Looks like it has a floor shifter attatched to it also.
  2. Tim thanks for the input and sorry it took so long for me to get back. Been helping my wives family and at the hospital alot this last week. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer, but she'll be just fine since it was caught so early. So no worries there. Anyhow, I did not know that about the front mounts. When I was reading my shop manual it didn't really mention much about the body mounts. So that would explain why the rest still look pretty good and those were flat. I'll look into some from Mitchell, I may still replace them since I'm tearing down, checking and rebuiling pretty much everything else on the car anyhow.
  3. Well I've been doing alot of work on my '52 and found the front 2 body mounts at the firewall are pretty much gone. I've found them available at Andy Bernbaum's for $7.50 each and use the same part number from '37 and up. But I've search and found others got them through Steele Rubber, $12.50 each, but they don't list anything for '52 model year and do for '50 and back. Are they the same or does Andy use a generic part number for a body mount and send what you need by model year? Anbody have any experiences with either companies, good or bad? Also, the rest of the mounts still look good, can I get away with just the fronts? Or is it, as I'm guessing, if you go that far may as well replace them all. Thanks for any input.
  4. I could do that to lift it but couldn't let the axle drop down to take my wheels off. Or if I took it to work to lift it on a rack I couldn't do that either. It was a very cheezy answer and I did get hosed. But just another lesson learned I suppose.
  5. There are quite a few places that sell smithy mufflers such as Speedway, Summit, Jegs and E-Bay. Plus they come in a few legnths from 22" - 30" but all sizes have 2" I.D. inlets and outlets so keep that in mind when choosing exhaust size. My personal experience with exhaust is get quotes, and if you can, be there when they do it!! I had mine done for $300 and I supplied the mufflers and he just ran the pipes under the axle!! No joke, I couldn't take a rear tire off without dropping the exhaust. I didn't stick around and trusted him cause a friend gave a very good reference to go there. Went back and he said he couldn't bend 2" pipe over my axle. Needless to say I won't take nor reference ANYBODY there for anything. Ended up welding in flex pipe before the axle just so I could lift the car. Plan on buying a universal dual exhaust kit and re-doing myself over the winter.
  6. Wow, thats a wild car! Looks fantastic and I really like that color. Are you running a 12V generator?
  7. My Wife and I thinking of going over there. What time does it start?
  8. Ya I was wrong when I said it was at the amphitheater, they moved it a a year ago to Gateway like Bob posted info about. Wow I don't know where my head was when I typed that one. Wishful thinking I guess, the parking is alot further away from the treasures.
  9. Man that sounded like a way better swap meet than the one I hit in Sauget IL on Sunday. All I saw was a 1939 Runs, a rusted hub cap like you scored and chrome pine cones. So congrats on the treasures you got. Do you come up to the big swap meet at the amphitheater, its called Verizon wireless amphitheater now and was called Riverport, just outside of St. Louis the last weekend of April?
  10. Thats awesome! Looks good and sounds good too.
  11. I put a set of them on my '52 Cranbrook and it took a bit of work too. They aren't quite wide enough and had to trim out some on the inside of the bumper and hug really tight to the body. Nice look but be ready for some modifications. I can't remeber if I used the '52 brackets or the '49's. I'll be down working on my cars Friday and try to get some close up pictures if you would like.
  12. Oh I'll be posting all kinds of pictures and progress! But I don't know how long it will be before I install it, I'm going to wait until I get my engine rebuilt and do them both at once. The engine in my car has so much gunk in the block, it clogs my radiator about once a year and don't want to trash the new one. I wanted to get one now while I can, I've seen things on there one time and never again. I hope it won't be too long, my wife graduates this May and will have her BSN in nursing! I can't wait, I've supporting the household for a couple years now and thats been tough on my cars. But hey thats just the joys and sacrifices of marrige right? But I think most of the pictures in the auction weren't of that particular radiator but of other applications they make.
  13. uuummm looking at the auctions it says they are out of stock, thats no good. But says you can preorder one, sounds like they will be making more....
  14. The seller is Ledfoot_racing, the auctions list the application of '49-52. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ALUMINUM-3-ROW-RADIATOR-1949-1950-1951-1952-PLYMOUTH_W0QQitemZ220541252411QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories?hash=item335948733b Link to one of the auctions.
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