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Everything posted by doctor dirt
Picked up the coupe this morning and was happy with the work that young John from Jim's Garage in Venice Fl. did. He rebuilt the distributor and set the mech. and vac advance and reset the linkage and tuned the carbs using the air flow. However the OD is not engaging, I will go over the wiring I got from Mr. Asche and double check the selonoid and relay units. It seems the new reley I had bought was replaced with a used one when the unit was sent back!! This has all gotten very tiring, and as tired as I am of the people associated with "fixing" this cars problem is as tired as I am about talking about them. I'm sure everyone here is sick of it too. I've wasted good money on so called pros long enough, the 25 year old young man who got the timing and performance right out worked all the old pros who got nothing right! best to all, get your cars worked on in person and from people who guarentee their work! Doc
Distributor diaphram was in bad shape, luckly I gave two away to a young man who is best friends with the mechanic so the youngman donated it back to me! Thats good karma in the mopar community. He does something with the distributor in regards to the current fuel we use, not sure exactly what but you mechanicly inclined folks will know. The carbs aren't to off and he will dial them in once he gets the distributor (air flow) up to par. Looks like cylinder 3 is lacking and that will wait until mid summer arrives and the car gets much less use here in Florida. I'm to old to go without AC when its 95+. So I should have a much "faster" flathead 6 back by mid week. Heres hoping! Doc
Gotcha, bringing the coupe Monday to get dialed in! I'll get back here as soon as it's finished. Doc
My "51 P22 has air shocks in the rear. A small compressor is mounted in the trunk and a pump switch is mounted on the center display. It really improves the ride and especially raising it up a bit above 50 mph's works well. Doc
Thanks Don, I found another fellow who owns and works on cars from the 30's through the 60's. He has the air flow tool and also adjusts the distributor and says he can increase performance up to 25%. Right now the car is running poorly, not sure why prior to droping the tranny & OD it was running fine. I checked the fuel filter and lines and they look good, the kick down and govenor were removed and that shouldn't interfer with anything. I ran the car this morning and the OD kicked in at 2nd gear and then I tried it in 3rd gear. I'm getting the "drifting" timing down and the difference from straight 3 spd to OD is about 900 rpm's over 55mph. Not bad! The car goes to ANOTHER garage on Monday morning, heres hoping for the best! Doc.
OK time heals all wounds (except old cars) HA! Got the externals in order and the coupe is finally back on the road. George Asche added a different second gear that lengthened the ratio and while in OD I can drive around in neighborhood settings in second gear!!! I hit the highway at 2 grand crusing at 65mph. however I need some help 'dialing in the dual carbs now. With OD off the carbs are off, I'm not sure why they weren't touched other than removing the "kick down" set up for the old OD setting. I found a motorcycle tuner who works on 2,4 and 6 carb race bikes, he says he can balance them out. The manual doesn't have a tach suggestion for dual carbs but my guess is around 600rpm's might be ok in tandum with the OD unit too. Any suggestions on the dual carb set up??? (carter BB) New syncro's, new selenoid & relay (12V from First Avenue) new 2nd. gear also eliminated the kick down replaced by Asche switch no govenor. Doc.
People need to "bring up" their experiences more often so others can have more info prior to employing "experts" for solving auto problems. The fellow who did the labor is a past owner of a service center, the tranny & OD was refurbished by George Asche in Penn. The original work was at Ralphs Transmissions in Sarasota Fl. a 35+ year transmission repair shop who replaced a gear and never fixed the grinding between 2nd & 3rd, never fixed the OD and had the tranny over heating on my ride home from their shop. They picked the car up and proceeded to "vent" the tranny case to prevent the box from getting hot!!!! OK thats enough of the terror story, they didn't know whatb to do and I handed them the shop manuel on the car & OD. They said they knew whatb to do,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,they didn't! Yes I will take a ride with the wrench before I head home. Doc
Picking up the Coupe in the morning.......................heres HOPING! I will get back here to be more descriptive as to what was needed and done an try to finish this thread off with some helpful alternatives when trouble shooting and rebuilding. Highway here I come!!!!! Doc
Seems the buttoning up took another MONTH! Just got it the other day...............................long story to long for now!
Well the tranny & OD was boxed yesterday and will be picked up at Mr. Acshe shop on the 30th! After waiting on synchro's and some other needed parts its finally heading back home. I'm hoping that I can drive it by the middle of Jan 20016!!! BUT 2017 seems more reasonable.... I'll list the components and the addition of Mr. Ashe's "switch" on the OD. We did add a newer 2nd gear too. Whats up Marty? A brave new year is coming, don't give up or give in! Master that ol' Coupe' damn cars. Doc.
Fun times with old cars............. Just hung up from Mr. Asche and the operation on the trans & OD was successful. He needs to button it up and send it back by the weekend. Heres hoping I can get some driving time finally, its been 3 months since I've seen the coupe and and a week prior to that it was gone for 11 weeks. (tranny shop & rear main/front seal) tranny shop it seems didn't do a very good job after to speaking with Mr. Asche, oh well I'm not surprised. thanx for the geography lesson todF. I've been to Calif. the weather is really nice in San Diego but the Calif. people seem so snotty & rude I'm sure not everyone, just a few............... Doc.
30/40s in Calif? Is this the Calif. near Alaska? I understand your frustration the old cars punch back to often. My OD/tranny should be at George's by Tuesday and I might get lucky and see it by Dec 5-8, hoping! Holiday shipping might kick the timing back abit! Hang in there Marty its just another winter break. Doc
Whats up Marty? Are you ok.................... My OD & trans should be arriving at George's shop possibly Tues. Hoping for a successful operation and the patient returned in top condition. Good news coming soon. Doc
Done Done and more done!!!! Dropping the tranny & OD and off to George it goes! I've done my best to find reliable and knowledgeable folks here but its 3 years and empty promises and money not so well spent. The young man helping me now is fine and is patient and trusted so he'll drop the unit and he has a tranny coming to him for a project he's building so we'll have a solid crate to package my unit in. Don if you read this George says hi! He is a fine fellow to speak with and has info up the wazzu!!! He got a laugh out of the story I told him about how the tranny shop owner added a breather line to the top of the tranny case to relieve the heat and stop the leak!!! Heres hoping for the best, I just want my damn car to work. Doc
Maybe something as simple as closed points? Don't take any crap from the old car Marty!!! I'll know more on my come Tuesday, I hope. Doc
Thanks I appreciate the info. The fellow evaluating the OD has to take a break on it because of his plans to go to the Sema show in Vegas. I will speak with him on Tues morning in Vegas and pass along the info. He will be in touch with the fellow who worked on tranny in Sarasota who he knows and along with Mr. Asche input I hope to solve this problem. Once again thank you, Doc
At my end once again, the relay & solenoid have been replaced. The wiring has been doubled checked! The kick down works fine. However the cable that routs into the tranny doesn't engage, when its held the car won't go into reverse!! The fellow trouble shooting will be talking to the fellow who worked on the tranny to find out exactly what was replaced. I have Fifth Ave Parts helping with the electical in concert with the OD manual and a seperate Borg Warner spec sheet. I remember folks here mentioning a fellow who is a tranny man and OD expert but I can't remember his name. I've doubled back on other threads but can't find his name.........can you help Don & Tim and others. Obviously my stubborness to own an older car without being able to even change the oil has caught up to me. thanx Doc.
Nice look, I had Diamonds on my 49' D29 and they handled very well and they looked very sharp too! I doubt you get enough snow in Woodbury to "put the car up" do you??? ha!
We did, they were toast. The relay was original from 51 and the solenoid was a replaced piece both were 6V. Was supposed to have the new pieces thurs or fri. but looks like monday will do. Marty don't forget to go home once in a while!!!!
Who you calling dwarf Plymouthy???????? Should have the relay and solenoid in hand tomorrow afternoon. Hoping for the best....................then on to the rings!!!!!! Never ends does it? HA!
Excellant !!!! Good luck I hope you got it right and take a nice ride. Don't forget to gas her up. ha! Doc
Pulled the relay, no good and 6volts along with the selenoid. Ordered new ones and then we'll see what happens. All the wiring looks fresh there is no old wiring anywhere. The car was changed over to 12V in 2011-12 with other add ons installed. Hoping the electrical problems are the main problems and the mechanics are intact. Whats up Marty???? Are you at the Bar????
Best to you Marty, I will pass your suggestions along to Phil who is trouble shotting the OD for me.
Your working the "process of elimination"........just don't eliminate yourself! Put a few minutes into my OD. The relay was popping every fuse it got so the relay was swapped out and the fuses held. Took it for a ride and engaged the OD but................Nothing! So the wiring will be trouble shot the selinoid will be double checked. Hopefully on Monday or Tuesday more time can be found. Car inhailed about 1 qt. of motor oil within the past 500 miles. No smoke on cold starts, a little bit off gear changes and a little more as the foot goes down. Compression needs to be checked and my unprofessional guess is rings! Right now the OD is getting an evaluation. Hope to add to the discussion here soon. Doc
Pretty much everyday, what year, a family member had one "just like it"! Then if they give me the chevy thing I tell them its the first Pontiac GTO design .................................... I get a dollar a picture or a coffee at the DD parking lot. Its all good just have fun with it. Doc