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doctor dirt

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Everything posted by doctor dirt

  1. Nice "patina" spread evenly across the car!!!! Theres help here, I just got here myself and got some needed info!! Patience, its sunday, they'll arrive soon in the meantime search out all the paper work you can get. Its out there! ...................good luck Doc.
  2. Thanks for the info shel_ bizzy_48, I did peak at NAPA offering!!!! todfitch; gotcha, my vocabulary lacks on more than a few subjects I was try to distinguish between a resto mod and stock condition, hows that? Lots to learn here. Anyone have an idea about the gromets for the wiper motor arms?? thanx again Doc.
  3. WOW!!! thats a beautifull work right there!! The duals with a great intake (offy?) is really sharp and will boost that motors output up!! Very clean job and those bullets on the rims bring me back, very sharp! Can't wait to hear it run.........................Doc.
  4. I replaced a very old and tired DV 3 (160) with a modern 180. The new one didn't sit right and my temp read out went from 185 to 212 (max gauge). I found a new DV 3 online put it in this morning and the reading is back to 185-90!!! I think the car is happier there, plus it lives in S.W. Florida now so I think the 160 is the right thermostat!!! Doc
  5. OK, didn't get a chance at the fluid levels because of time today BUT did get the correct old/new thermostat in and the temp gauge is looking good! The wiper motor works, I do NEED the gromets? that are on the arms? coming back to the motor?...........I hope I'm explaining this close to what the hell it is???? The arms are tide off because the gromets are missing, the motor works fine. The clock also works but the fuse was gone, I'm think it was a draw when this car sat!! I know its coming off a 12 month storage and was NOT paid any attention as it came to me. No anti-freeze, no gas, filthy dirty oil and a few leaks!!! I need the front brake lines, high pressure!!! Suggestions where to get and a specific company or are they comparable? Also I'd hope I could wait but upon closer inspection the bias ply cokers are coked out!!!!! Is the Coker the main supplier? I want to stay with the wide whites on the stock size also. The car does have nice Coker rims (15)..............any suggestions are welcomed!!! Doc.
  6. Thanks, I had been told iso 22 and or 32 would be correct. I'm getting a noise when the clutch is fully engaged, not all the time but enough to get my attention. It seems the "sweet spot" for shifting smoothly is about 80% of the pedal depressed. I also need to address the wipers, they currently don't operate but its very possible that their not hooked up at all! I sustained some pretty debilitating injuries a few years back so getting on my back to investigate under the dash is just a dream these days. My original thought on the wipers was to install an electric motor I had alot of experience with vac systems in the AMX cars and although they weren't terrible I need a very solid working and a efficient system in this car because it will become a driver in time! Anyone know of any companies offering an upgrade for wiper use keeping with a 6Volt set up?????? If thats not possible maybe I can utilize a 12Volt electric and put an adapter on it??? (adapter is NOT the correct word but my mind right now isn't cooperating with this post hahahaha!!! I guess thats enough I don't want to over staty my first day welcome!!! thank you much carlo & Merle!! Doc
  7. Hello everyone I just purchased a Wayfarer coupe that is restored but remains 100% stock. I've owned MoPar muscle since I was a teenager and my first car was a 49 Plymouth wagon (that I certainly hated back then) so the Wayfarer has a new owner with alot to learn. The car was nicely restored cosmeticly but theres signs that the important "stuff" was neglected! Heres what I'm attacking and that I will need some guidance on. Clutch lube---drivers side flooring hatch and pour area. Not sure what to use as lube!!!! Tranny lube---Top left of tranny under dash, pry cap and I need to turn over motor to get to top center? Lube sae 90gear lube or tdh ISO 22?? I've read this searching on google and I'm not comfortable accepting things from a random search. Brake adjustment--I have an old timer that could help set up the system, right now the car is diving into a suicide to the left charge!!!! I've changed the radiator cap (4lb) complete flush and new anti-freeze (50/50) using an older Prestone (green) was used and found a new thermostat (DV 3) that was in the car but in bad shape. New oil filter and used Joe Gibbs 10/30 non-syn with zinc addition. I uderstand theres a debat as to the zinc amount for the L-head! I changed the rotor and cap (slight cracking) and the key tumblers were shot!!! Well theres more obviously so if anyone can help on the above questions I'd appreciate it, thanx. Gonna try and figure out how to post a few pics, this car has been offered quite abit so it maybe recognized. Mecum had it in 2010 and I think the resto was around 2007! A picture of it shows up when you google a 49 Dodge Wayfarer buss. coupe. thanks very much with any assistance, Doc.
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