OK, didn't get a chance at the fluid levels because of time today BUT did get the correct old/new thermostat in and the temp gauge is looking good! The wiper motor works, I do NEED the gromets? that are on the arms? coming back to the motor?...........I hope I'm explaining this close to what the hell it is????
The arms are tide off because the gromets are missing, the motor works fine. The clock also works but the fuse was gone, I'm think it was a draw when this car sat!! I know its coming off a 12 month storage and was NOT paid any attention as it came to me. No anti-freeze, no gas, filthy dirty oil and a few leaks!!!
I need the front brake lines, high pressure!!! Suggestions where to get and a specific company or are they comparable?
Also I'd hope I could wait but upon closer inspection the bias ply cokers are coked out!!!!! Is the Coker the main supplier? I want to stay with the wide whites on the stock size also. The car does have nice Coker rims (15)..............any suggestions are welcomed!!! Doc.