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Everything posted by randygall

  1. also the door lock cylinder and key will work from the ford also with just alittle work. much cheaper than having a lock smith try to make a key if you don't have one to copy from.
  2. I had to order my key from a ford site. It was the same as a 40ish ford pick up. Mine used a HURD key. Bought the blacks and then went to ACE Hardware to have it cut.
  3. Thank you so much. I hadnt seen anything to about the "X" . Now i can say i an the proud owner of 2 Pilot House Dodge trucks..one is finished and one is just begining. The first is original and now i can play and have fun with this one. I willl be using this forum for advise and direction for this one, as i did with the first one. This is the best Dodge forum ever. It is nice to know there are people out there that are as interested and excitied about these trucks as I am. If only money was no object. Thanks for yourr help and future help.
  4. I just bought a Pilot house but i am unsure of the right year. the ID tag say B-1-B-108. That would make it a 1948 or 1949. The serial number is 82145703X. The "x" has me questioning everything, but the serial number would make it a 1950. Thanks for any help. I only have the cab and front end. No frame to cross ID numbers.
  5. Thank you. Looking at doing a frame swap. The B-2-F fenders will allow a wider track frame
  6. Can anyone tell me if the fenders are the same lenght?. I know they are wider due to the fender extension.
  7. I am working on my wipers now. I am setting up a wiper motor out if a Land rover Discovery. The wiper for the rear window seems to work well. The stroke is the right path needed. you will need one for each side. I am working on figuring out the parking of the motor. I got this motor out of a junk yard for $25. If you go this route, make sure you get the braket and wiper arm with it. I had to bend it to bolt to the steering colume support to keep the motor from twisting. the passenger side should work the same. It is alot cheaper. Hope this helps
  8. Any glass company should be able to cut the glass for you if you have the old glass for a pattern. I replaced mine with safety glass. they were able to cut all the glass I needed except for the corner glass. i dont remember the cost but it wasnt bad at all. The key is having the old glass for a pattern
  9. I had a problem with the adjustment of my clutch. i only had about 1-2 inches of travel from the floor. I found out that the flywheel had been cut .200". A new flywheel is 1.3 inches and mine was 1.1 inches. I had the clutch shop adjust the fingers on the flywheel to make up for the .200 that had been cut. After that now i have full adjustment and all is well. Hope this helps
  10. I understand that, but it also moves the clutch assm. that much away from the fork. and I think that would take away some of the adjustment. Thanks
  11. I have a 1950 B-2-D. I dont have any more adjustment for my clutch,the dics is in good shape. I am thinking that the flywheel may have been resurfaced several times in its long history. Can anyone tell me the thickness of a new flywheel?. Mine is 1.100 inchs thick. My clutch is fully disingaged at about 2 inches off the floor. Thanks for any help
  12. you can also try Miller Tire www.millertire.com
  13. I have a B-2-D with a 7x9 foot flatbed. Does anyone know the size and pattern of the wood, and number of pieces required?. Also any source for the metal strips. Thank for any help
  14. another picture of him cleaning the truck. hoping he will take as good care of the truck when he gets older as he does now
  15. Teaching my Grand Son to take care of his furture truck. And he is studing hard the drawing of the shift pattern in his lap so he can drive it "soon"
  16. having fun with the truck at Grandsons birthday party
  17. it isnt as easy to swap the rear end in a one ton dulley as it is a standard pick up.
  18. what do you do about the parking brake? I have a B-2-D and if I were to do this swap I would need to do something about the parking brakes...any ideas?
  19. hope you enjoy them
  20. hope this works
  21. Christmas prade 12-04-11 Kennesaw, Georgia
  22. where do i find this parts list. i cant seen to find it. I have a '50 B-2-D that needs a new-rebuilt driveshaft. the shop I took it to said that they couldnt help me. No parts avaliable for it. Thanks for any help Randy
  23. check with NAPA..or maybe Advance Auto parts..I think I got mine from Advance..unsure of the part number
  24. thank you very much. Now I can see how fast this thing will go. I better hold on.
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