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Everything posted by aero3113

  1. same happened to me, I removed the petcock and then poked with a hanger started flowing after that
  2. they look like they are the same shape
  3. Anyone know if fender skirts from a 49 dodge would fit on a 50 plymouth?
  4. my car runs at about 190 ar a little higher. Do you think I should stick with the 7lb cap or try out the 4lb I bought?
  5. Im sure you can find a 4lb cap at a local store or they can order one for you. Stant makes the one that I bought.
  6. $5.99, not bad
  7. Found a 4 pound cap at a local parts store today and installed it. I was once told that antifreeze temp will be higher for every pound you go up on the cap,I forget by how much.
  8. Thanks for the info guys
  9. yes,the cap does cover the over flow tube and needs to open to expel the antifreeze.That is why I am questioning what pound cap I should use. Any one else have this same setup,if so what pound cap do you use?
  10. there still has to be some pressure to open the cap and expel the antifreeze out the tube?
  11. but doent the antifreez/pressure have to push on the 7 pound cap in order for it to come out the overflow?
  12. I am currently useing a 7 pound radiator cap in my 50 plymouth, is this correct? The overflow tube is at the filler neck, you can kinda see in the picture. Should I keep what I have or use a lower number or a non pressurized cap?
  13. can you mix dot 3 and 4 ?
  14. How can I tell what type of brake fluid I have in my 50 plymouth? The guy that owned the car before me installed new wheel cylinders and master cylinder, just curious what type of fluid is in it incase I ever have to bleed and top off.
  15. Very odd but different,not sure if I like it http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Plymouth-DELUXE-50-CUSTOM-PICK-UP-ONE-OF-A-KIND-MUST-SEE-ORIG-6-CYL_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ72Q3a1205Q7c39Q3a1Q7c66Q3a2Q7c65Q3a12Q7c240Q3a1318QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem220286270273QQitemZ220286270273
  16. Does it have a hex cap on the top side? If it does it is so you can remove the cap and insert a rod to determine if you are at top dead center.
  17. I just spent last week in Long Beach Ca, could not believe all the old cars around.Have FUN !
  18. Thanks for all the pics guys, They do look good !!!
  19. We plan on using our 50 plymouth in our wedding next july and the soon to be wife wants me to put wide white walls on the car.Do you think they will look better than what I have on the car now?
  20. I am due for an inspection on my 50 plymouth in september Can I bring it to any shop that does inspections or do I have to find one that caters to old cars?
  21. Im sorry club coupe, Petty's was a business coupe right?
  22. Anyone know where I can find one? I have seen the resin kit on e-bay but does not come with wheels and a little expensive.
  23. Anyone looking for stainless trim for a 50 plymouth four door? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1950-Plymouth-Deluxe-4-Door-Chrome-Trim_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ10076QQihZ021QQitemZ310078188124QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  24. I recently installed a set of horns in my 50 plymouth and thought they did not work.I was only pushing on one side of the horn ring, When I pushed down on both sides of the horn ring at the same time the horn worked!
  25. you dont have to give up the 6 volt system if you go with a 6 volt alternator.
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