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Everything posted by aero3113

  1. This is the box from the pump I installed. I was told it might be a military pump because of the M-37 Number.
  2. What is the part number? I bought a pump that someone said was a military issue pump and it worked fine for me.
  3. Dakota,here are some pics of my PCV on my 218. I got the parts from VPW and the plumbing from the hardware store.I tapped into the wiper port. The oil fill cap I got from a local auto parts store and used epoxy to seal it.
  4. Bob, the spring that I have is unpainted which is supposed to be a medium spring. I am not sure if it is the correct one for my engine but I assume it is. I forget what the other 2 colors are. I remember reading that the springs do get weak after a while.
  5. Hey James, the plunger does not have relief etched into the upper edge. The area that I am concerned about is raised and definately looks like it should not be there.
  6. I guess air in the line could be a factor. You could maybe burp the line at the gauge.
  7. Yes,the spring does go in the plunger.
  8. LoL,yes it is. I have never seen the pressure drop below 10-15 psi at idle before though. In my manual it says any pressure above 0 psi at idle is normal.
  9. 700X15 Sumitomo Diamond back tires sells them. They ride and look GREAT!
  10. BeBop, have you gone on any long drives yet to let the oil warm up? If so what is the oil pressure after the drive?
  11. I really do not like the way my relief valve plunger looks. Also the spring has some weird wear marks in spots (the spring is not perfectly straight). I think I am going to replace them and see what happens. I looked on Vintage Power Wagons site and they want $198 for new crank bearings:eek:
  12. Got ya
  13. The thing that gets me is that about 2 weeks ago I did the same drive and had no problems. Then drove around town between then and now with no issues. Would bearing clearance be that sudden?
  14. That's great:D. But why do I see he only has 264 posts:confused:
  15. Hey Ed,you say when you engine warmed up a little it dropped to zero. I drove 30 miles the other day at highway speeds and the last 5 or so miles my oil pressure dropped to zero. I let it cool and had 40 psi again, headed home and again the last 5 miles it dropped to near zero. What do you think my problem is?
  16. Yes, that is true. This was given to me as a gift from a friend and I have no plans to sell it. I like the look of an old object looking new and taking the time to make it look new. It now has a mirror finish and is going to look great hanging in my garage:D.
  17. Hey Fred, I received the fire extinguisher you gave me today. As soon as I opened it up I took it to the garage and started polishing it. I am half way through and it looks great,check it out. Let me know when you receive the compass I sent you (I posted a pic of it below)
  18. The only way to get to the screen is to drop the pan. Try and do some more trouble shooting before you remove it. Pull the oil pressure relief valve and check the condition.
  19. Its not build up,its like a high spot in the metal. You can see it in the pics (top ring)
  20. Don, what do you think caused the bump on the plunger? If I clean it up will I have any problems if it gets too small? I am not going to have time today to play with it but I will keep you guys updated. If you have any new ideas let me know.
  21. I think the oil was low because I did not check it in a while.
  22. Hey Guys, I went for a 60 mile round trip today in the 50. Started off the trip with great oil pressure just above 40psi. Towards the end of the first 30 miles I noticed the oil pressure dropped near 0. It is normal for my oil pressure to drop when warm but it never went this low. I stopped at a light and noticed a different sound coming from my engine, when I accelerated it went away when the pressure went up. I made it to my destination and shut down. I checked my oil and it was at the add line. I put a quart in and let the car sit for a few hours. When it was time to go home I started up the car and had great oil pressure again. Again near the end of my 30 miles home I had the same issue.I noticed when I would accelerate the pressure would go up but it would go back down after I let up a little(at 50-55 MPH). I Made it home and put her in the garage. First thing that came to mind was the oil pressure relief valve. I pulled it out and I found a strange bump on the top of it (you can see it in the pics below) I can catch my nail on it. Do you think it was binding and causing the low oil pressure. Where can I get a new plunger and spring?
  23. Can you post pics to show how you hooked it up? Does it go directly to the head from the battery?
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