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karl head

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Everything posted by karl head

  1. Great looking seats, I can see now why there so scarce ..looks like a great seat for a fishing boat.
  2. Thanks mate I'm not completely sure but I think its the syncro
  3. Thanks I was thinking along the same lines or of a mini van seat setup. I have a three year old, so would be nice if I could seat him
  4. Now I forced to ask another question ...the tranny in mine has a drain plug at the rear , I have be trying the search feature to find more info and maybe pictures but it keeps telling me that the words are to common or such so how would I search for four speed pictures or drawings or info... Karl
  5. yeah i was told they came with buckets I am wondering if they sat on a perch of some kind. like the older chevy vans. also if the pickups seat sat on something.
  6. Now that I have her home the questions can begin in earnest... lol After reading most of the posting on this sight over the past few weeks I am wondering about the 4 speed in my truck, I read in one of the treads that if the unit had a strait drain plug it was a synchronized transmission which makes me happy, The question I have is was this available as a option in 48. also for the other panel owners or anyone who knows what did the front seat sit on there's a front bench in it now that looks like a pilot house pickup seat but its attached directly to the floor and I can't even see out the window without kneeling on it. Karl
  7. LOL....I figured there be plenty of room, when sitting in my panel it seem like the roof is a long ways away.......but then again I'm 5'6 not 6'7......
  8. Great looking truck, I wish mine were ready for a jaunt around the block... Karl
  9. It has the Canadian long block 25" so I think its 218.5 or there about (3.375"x3.75") Karl
  10. Sorry I should have said so...yes that is the site I used quite simple and allowed me to register my truck/panel Karl
  11. Wow there some good sitting material.
  12. Thanks Bob I wondered about that since the seat folds forward and has no locking mechanism to be seen. Since originality Isn't my first concern I will look for something at a wrecker. maybe a set of van bucket's or a pickup bench.
  13. This is a question for the other panel owners out there. the bench seat in mine is mounted directly to the floor and appears to me to be way to short, is there supposed to be a frame under it.
  14. lol...I think I may have enough work without doing any body mods.......
  15. Just a few more, she looks much better with tires
  16. Hi everyone I just ran my vin number and found out my panel is a 1948 has the 218 flathead six and has the build number 809. and is a model fm-1, 108 inch wheel base and engineering code t143.
  17. Looking good
  18. Thanks for the tips and support I can all ready tell I've hooked up with a great bunch
  19. Hey I got my starter and complete brake for the diver side rear. a inner fender and one spring mount for 100 bucks so not too bad also a flathead six thats not stuck for 200 if I want it. might of been my luckly day.
  20. Well Jeff If I get anymore character I'm going to have enough for a complete remake of the muppets. lol....Karl
  21. Hi Tom I see I left out the panel part. its a 48 Fargo panel built in Canada it has the larger block 25" I'm guessing its a 218 but wont know until I get it home and get a better look will post all the details then. Karl
  22. I've searched the forums and couldn't find an answer so figured I'd ask here. I am in need of a starter as closer inspection shows it is missing I was wondering what starters will fit and from what years 6 or 12 volt, I read it somewhere in the threads that any mopar starter will fit but I find it hard to believe.... I'm not sure I am doing this right so if I am posting in the wrong forum or incorrectly . please excuse the newby:)
  23. I knew it was going to be a problem but I was unable to source the correct puller and the seller would like it out of his yard soon. Is the a way to mount a newer style drum on the old hub....just wondering.
  24. Well its been one of those days while trying to get my panel ready to come home. I discovered it had three different sized tires and rims on it 14's 15's and 16's and a stuck drum on the drivers side rear. so after three trips to the local pic a part and an assortment of wheel and rims. I finally found four off a 75 new yorker. not the best but at least they can get me home and the offset is good. then came the brakes. whoever said they were a bit@@ were not joking. I did finally get the drum/ hub off but I totaled the drum which is to bad because it was like new as were the shoes and hardware. the drums were riveted to the hub is this common for the 48, will need to know as I will have to replace at some point
  25. hey Tim I'm not sure if I sent this message or not I did try to reply. my question is how much do you want and how do we proceed. I'm new to buying things this way but I'm, a quick study . by the way the videos were great. Karl
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