I know of many who swear by vinegar, pour a gallon or so of pickling vinegar into tank and swish it a round leave it for a day or so, occasionally turning the tank to get full coverage. Then rinse and dry..
It is my intent to ask the owner if I can post his address and phone # So we all can benefit its a two hour drive for me so not really close enough for me to pick and post . But I will try to do my best...
I was wondering if the group would be interested in some junk yard photos. The yard where I got my recent parts and hope to get a new engine has a collection of older mopar mostly 50's cars but a few trucks I could take a few photos if anyone is interested the owner has run it for about 60 years and hinted they might be going to the crusher soon, he says there are close to 900 cars and truck not all mopar of course.
As luck would have it there's no HF north of the border... and the picker is a loaner but I like the way you think, guess I will have arms like Popeye after I'm done.
Thanks I will be taking your advice and pulling it in tandem. Although I don't have a fluid drive it looks like the clutch is a chunk of rust and dirt, and I expect it will make it easier in the long run as you said.
I still have two spitfires one is on the road 1979 1500 the other is a 69 mark 3 its in storage in a different province. love them both. I always wanted a gt-6 or a tr-6..lol
Thanks guys
That's just what I needed. I have already removed both fenders and the inner's and will pull the front header so hopefully that will give me some wiggle room. I will remove the front section of the floor also since I will need to tidy it up and do some patching anyway. Thanks again
I guess I should of been clearer. I have pulled several engines and trannys before but never a flathead and not anything with the same mounting system. I will be doing all the work myself and in my drive way so every little tip would could make a big difference. I try never to reinvent the wheel if I can help it. past engines pulled 2 MGB's one with tran one without . three Triumph spitfires all with trans. 350 chevy 305 chevy one in car other in truck neither with tranny . 318 out of a 75 charger pulled tranny first.
Thanks Karl.
I am about to pull the engine in my truck with or without the tranny, I have a few questions about how to proceed.
1. do I have to pull the steering column and if so do I have to pull the wheel.
2 Is it better to pull both units as one .
3 Any special tricks or procedures I should know first.
although this is not my first engine pull I like to know what to expect.
thanks Karl
Thanks Hank
I will look into it I'm guessing shipping would kill me but I will check. I am planing on going strait stock for now and maybe something special down the road, iII am trying to get her up and running asap mostly because I find that as long as a project is road worthy I tend to get things done opposed to letting it sit . So if I could pick up a engine even if its a smoker it would keep the fire burning under my A## so to speak. I will rebuild what ever I get at some point just want a runner for now.
lucky for me I guess is mine is a Fargo, made in Canada so it came with the 25 inch block, I have partly disassembled the engine today in order to make pulling it easier. intake and exhaust man. gas lines and the likes. the problem I am having right now is finding another block. but the hunt has only just begun......
Thanks for the tip, I however had found this site and it did provide me with some good info, what I am trying to figure out is if the engine I have is in fact the original and any other info I can get.
Thanks Karl
I was wondering if one of the guru's here could help me decipher the engine and body #'s or could point me in the right direction of info. Just want to be sure Its what its supposed to be could make my decision easier.
engine # t143-2550c
head# 1072812
body # 4713-138
Hi and hows it going, Just a bit of an update on the rear fenders while looking for a front fender for my truck I purchased a fender from a ton and a half with the front fender flares, although I can't swear there exactly the same as the rears on the panel, there damn close..... they maybe a little longer but the shape is a very very close match. you should give them a look. I will post a picture later if you wish.
LOL cheaply is not the same to me as cheap.....I can find a assorted collection of vehicles in the 200 to 1000 dollar range both mopar and others as donor vehicles. What I am looking at is which choice will get me on the road quicker and for the less primary investment....
As for who builds the best engine we could debate that from here to eternity and never get a definitive answer. my position is much the sames as my late fathers.
" They're all wonderful when they're working and all junk when they're not"
I was wondering if one of the guru's here could help me decipher the engine and body #'s or could point me in the right direction of info. Just want to be sure Its what its supposed to be could make my decision easier.
engine # t143-2550c
head# 1072812
body # 4713-138
That's true enough for sure and is the reason I am still pondering . I know where I can pick up another flathead for about 200 bucks but its been sitting in a field for a long time. I'm not sure of the size its in a ton and a quarter or half . Its mid fifties I think and a 25inch block. its not seized but you have to wonder if the block is split and why its there in the first place. I have also done a transplant in a 58 international some years ago,Nova front clip.350/350 combo power brakes and the lot. so not afraid of the work or challenge just trying to decide which route to take. also want to get it up and about as cheaply as possible before I decide on long term changes.....oh well have to give it some though at least sleep on it........sorry for rambling so much....
Thanks for the encouragement, And I know that the engine is most likely fixable however do I want to spend a lot of money rebuilding a engine with 95 hp and a cracked block. being from Cal I would be surprised if you had seen this problem before as it is the result of the coolant freezing ( water) because the block wasn't properly drained when it was sitting for the last 30 years. So now the decision is go with the old or find a modern drive train and do a swap. it will most likely be cheaper to do that.
It looks like my engine is done, took the head off today and put some ATF and Seabreeze in it but really no point the water jacket is split the length of the starter and looks like at least two rusted burnt valves.
Can't say I was totally surprised but it was funny that the only two bad cyls visually are 5-6 and they were the ones with the plugs still in. may still try to un-stick the engine and then have a better look at the valves it the seats are serviceable I may give welding the block a try. most likely it going to be a transplant. the question is weather to go with the six or do a v-6 or v-8 transplant. Its really a question of money.
not a great day but could of been worst....
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