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Everything posted by flatheadtim

  1. Heres some of my tools.
  2. This is going to be fun!! I will take some pics tomorow!!
  3. With the threads pulled you could still use it with a slide hammer!
  4. Check your "cat" with a back pressure tester it should stay below 2 psi @ 2500rpm at the front 02 sensor position or if you cant get one try removing o2 sensor before cat and drive if you have more power then you probably have a plugged cat. Also could be many things to cause lack off power--fuel filter,MAF/MAP, vac leak at map/maf etc.
  5. You really want to see tools? and how about certs?
  6. Hope you bought it off a snap-on truck or one of the tool trucks or it won't hold up. Also can use impact on it then sometimes after the impact I put the slide hammer with it for a second go.
  7. No I thought he was on rear shoes with nuetral being the transmission, my bad...but it sounds like he may not have known the "two" adjustments.
  8. I know this is stupid but---There are "2"adjustments on all the shoes and are you in neutral?
  9. Heres the puller I have used for 20 years as a Master mech. Mainly used it for freeing frozen cv shaft to knuckle. Have pulled many brake drums including my P15 usually tap the drum a little with a dead blow when pulling. Use my impact on the center bolt. Also can remove center bolt and use my large slide hammer. It has done 1000 jobs, purchased it from snappy truck.
  10. For sure, But Don may require you to read Moby Dick!! LOL
  11. Thanks FF I appreciate the time you spent on this answer!! You didnt have to but its reallY!!! Appreciated!!
  12. Thanks for your input helped me make the decision. I think you meant HYGROSCOPIC, this is why they made brake fluid to absorb water so it wouldnt rust lines with frequent changes. If water (condensate) or moisure gets in a silicone system it won't mix and will rust the lines?? Thing is with silicone it hardly breaks down (oxidizes)?? Maybe I'll stick with the ol dot 4
  13. Hmmm.. Ok... thought you might give me your opinion on "ECI"? Well I read the link twice, interesting. Looks like ECI has currently improved their P15 dual master though!! I talked to Hermin Melvilles great grandchild and he said moby got an infection and died a month after Ahab speared him.
  14. Thanks Don. Thats a READ!! I'm dizzy after reading all that!! Can you break it down for me? I will compare the your breakdown with how I interpret it. I will give you feed back if you want. Tim
  15. I agree, will do the search and the ECI info was very valuable!! I guess a good e-brake/park brake is in good order!!
  16. If one blows a line and lose all/most of fluid a good single master is still no brakes!? Thanks for your info found this with it! --http://ecihotrodbrakes.com/chrysler_master_assemblies.html
  17. Want opinions on what you all think on this? The fluids do they both oxidize? at the same rates? Change intervals? Is there any aftermarket dual bore masters (one bore for front other for rear so always have two tires braking if a brake line rupture like modern cars) for P15 out there?: confused:
  18. In my opinion I would put back on tires put car on ground and take a look how she sits then make the rear shock/susp. decision.
  19. Nice I want one!! Doe's it have a head, shower and stove? Heres my old boat we're getting ready to trade her in, want a cabin cruiser.
  20. There ya go!! 12) he uses strange words
  21. Its just a matter of time before they will be able to shut the car down with remote satelite. When I worked at the dealership awhile back we were adding satelite location and remote shut down to cars mainly for high risk financing for repo reasons but now they have it on some high end cars for theft reasons.
  22. We have chip munks here in southern Oregon. Man! they get in to everything sure are cute though, keeps the dog inshape too.
  23. Ya I agree with Don. Tear it down take measurements/inspection/wiggle valves, wobble pistons, chain slack, cracks, etc. or mic everything and see what you are going to need.
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