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Posts posted by splat1955

  1. So, can anyone tell me what year this Chrysler is, and what model? How close the steering column/shaft would be to my '48 Dodge? Not concened with length, but would like to know if they are pretty much the same setup as I have in my car.....because if they are, it may be worth my time to pull that steering wheel off and see how it's attached..

    Also, I've heard it referenced here on the board by some of you a couple of times......but what is the " spitfire"....is that just a head? Complete motor? Is it special in anyway as far as performance?

  2. Yeah, I noticed that Bob...I was even thinking of pulling it to see if it had a special adapter to mount it cause I've been wanting to do something different with the steering wheel in my '48. Grant doesn't make any adaptor for our cars and I'm not sure that this one would work...guess I may have to pull it to see. But, then again, I really don't like this steering wheel either..but maybe the adapter will give me more choices.

    Late model steering wheel on a 47 chrysler....
  3. Just a few more pics of the other older Chrysler that was out there. The rear bumper was in nice shape as was the front bumper that was sitting inside the car. The rear deck lid was in good shape too and the interior still had most of the trim, garnish, etc. Again though...not much interior..front seat was still there, but didn't see the rear although I think it was there just under a bunch of stuff.




  4. Okay guys, a while back I promised to get some pics of a few cars I spotted locally in a yard. First though, I must apologize for the poor quality pics. In most cases I will take the blame, and is some of these pics, I'm sure the fuziness is my fault...but I believe my camera is about to die as well...it's progressively gotten worse the last year or so...and there was no way I was going to sneak out the one I got my wife last year for Christmas....I'd never heard the end of that. I've made separate postings for the 3 other cars as well, a Cranbrook, NYer, and a '36 Packard. Being new to the old Mopar Iron, I don't know what years these are. I only know the Packard's year cause the yard guy told me.

    Okay guys, so this definitely said Chrysler on it, but still being rather uneducated in this old iron, what model is this? This car was pretty cool...and still pretty complete. Although the front fenders and hood were pretty much just sitting there...the fenders still had a couple of bolts holding it to the body...the hood was just sitting on top and it's pretty thrashed. It had pretty much the compete engine, minus the carb...and it has the " spitfire " head on it. All 4 doors are there, and all are straight and complete...this car is actually pretty straight too. I tried to get a decent pic of the grill, but with all the weeds and stuff, I had my daughter stomp on them...but with the wind, they just kept popping back up....but the grill is really straight. The dash is very much complete and still looks good. Instrument panel and all. Even glove lid. I took a pic of the bumper inside the car. It was really in excellent condition....decent or better chrome and perfectly straight. The rear bumper was almost as nice...and very straight. I did check the profile of both bumpers and they are the same. Tail Light bezels were still there and very usable....no lenses though. Deck lid was very straight and all trim on the lid looked good. More pics in the next post.






  5. Okay guys, a while back I promised to get some pics of a few cars I spotted locally in a yard. First though, I must apologize for the poor quality pics. In most cases I will take the blame, and is some of these pics, I'm sure the fuziness is my fault...but I believe my camera is about to die as well...it's progressively gotten worse the last year or so...and there was no way I was going to sneak out the one I got my wife last year for Christmas....I'd never heard the end of that. I've made separate postings for the 3 other cars as well, a NYer, another Chrylser...model unknown, and a '36 Packard. Being new to the old Mopar Iron, I don't know what years these are. I only know the Packard's year cause the yard guy told me.

    Okay, this Cranbrook....the hood as you can see is just laying against it..probably has been for years. Anyway, it was really straight and still had all the chrome & ornaments on it. Actually, I was surprised cause the fenders, doors and the rest of the body is really straight on this car. The bumper, although needing chrome was very straight...didn't see any flaws except missing one guard. The grill also was very straight. The instrument cluster was there and complete along with some other interior electronics under the dash as you can see in the pics. Steering wheel was real rough. I took a pic of part of a bumper that was in the car. It looks very Chryslerish....it was in cherry shape with the guards...but I don't think it went to this car cause if I remember right, it didn't have the same profile as the bumper on the rear..and sorry, I forgot to take a pic of the rear of the car. My bad. The rear deck lid was sitting behind the car. It was very straight but along the bottom where it meets the body, it starting to show some " through and through" rust...not much, still very usable and repairable. Wasn't much left at all interior wise.






  6. Okay guys, a while back I promised to get some pics of a few cars I spotted locally in a yard. First though, I must apologize for the poor quality pics. In most cases I will take the blame, and is some of these pics, I'm sure the fuziness is my fault...but I believe my camera is about to die as well...it's progressively gotten worse the last year or so...and there was no way I was going to sneak out the one I got my wife last year for Christmas....I'd never heard the end of that. I've made separate postings for the 3 other cars as well, a Cranbrook, another Chrylser...model unknown, and a '36 Packard. Being new to the old Mopar Iron, I don't know what years these are. I only know the Packard's year cause the yard guy told me.

    Anyway, this NYer had a really nice grill, front bumper and rear bumper...straight and still fairly nice chrome. It still had a lot of stainless on the body, some bent but some straight. The tail light bezels were missing the lenses, but they were complete otherwise and looked nice. The instument cluster & panel was huge...but really cool in this car. I don't know if it was plastic of glass ( looked plastic) but the bubble over the guages was busted. But the guages were all there and still looked very nice. It had "Chrysler" full hubcaps all the way around but somebody " dimpled" or " Popped " the centers in a little...looked deliberate as did the broken bubble glass on the instrument guage although the hubcaps looked as though they could be popped back out. Don't know if these caps were original. The stainless around the rear window and the huge chrome bezel thing that circled the license plate was in nice shape too. Nothing much left as far as interior.. Hood was straight and chrome on it decent.





  7. Thanks for the pics Bob.....I think you are right....Shel told me the same thing. From the pics, it looks as though my antenna may just be sitting too high...and if adjusted from below the fender, maybe with a spacer or something, I might be able to get it down far enough to where the nut will sit flush with the top of the threads. Gonna give that a try and see what happens.

  8. Hey....thanks Bob....I figured there is something holding those clips on...but hadn't really gotten up close to them yet to get a good look. I think you are right about the stud on the front piece....cause in my fender is a fairly good size hole for something to go through. Does anyone have a pic of the clips that bolt to the rocker? And does anyone know if the rocker stainless on the Dodges and Plymouths look the same. I've tried to find pics, but can't seem to find a pic that gives me a good view of the stainless on either car...and I don't have any for my car to compare to the Plymouth......

    Those clips on the rocker panels have a bolt in the middle holding them on. But, I think there is a built in stud on the front end of the rocker stainless trim piece.
  9. Hey John...thanks man....I was looking at a '42, online, that still had stainless on the rockers....the body of the car looked so close to mine, I was hoping they were the same. Oh well, I did find some, just waiting to hear from the guy and confirm. Nothing special, but I've got nothing on the rockers now, so something is better than nothing. Hey, thanks again for that valuable info...saved me from taking a chance and spending some hard earned $$ on something that wouldn't have worked.


    Mopar Body and Sheet Metal manual the 1942 has part number 976 291 and 976 292 for the rocker moulding. The 1946-48 part numbers are 1151 833 and 1151 834for the rocker mouldings. I would say they don't interchange.


  10. Hey, thanks Ed & Norm.

    Would either of you, or anyone else on the forum have a pic of the molding clips that are used on the '46 - '48 Plymouth for holding the rocker stainless? I'm talking about the ones that are below the doors. The ones on my car look like they are permanent...although I haven't look real close at them. There should also be a removable clip for the piece that attaches to the very rear of the front fender, and I think also a removable clip that does the same at the rear of the stainless...but in the center below the door area, those clips I could really use a picture of....and are they removable?

  11. Hey guys,

    I'm trying to find out what other vehicles might have rocker stainless that will fit my '48 Dodge Custom 4 dr. Will the '46 & '47 Dodge 4 dr stainless work? What about a '42 Dodge 4 dr? Will any of the '46 through '48 Plymouth 4 dr stainless fit on my car? I've located some, but just wondering what else will fit. Again, any info is appreciated.


  12. Hey Guys,

    Here's a pic of how I have installed the antenna on my car. I found most of the parts in the trunk. The antenna was already mounted....but I found the block that the antenna goes through and the shouldered nut that tightens the block and pad down. But after installing there are still threads showing as you can see. Another member suggested I lower the antenna but putting a spacer on top of the antenna but under the fender, lowering the whole assy and then installing the related parts. This is a good idea and may go that route...but, is there something missing in this assy? Is there another part that would go ever the threads to cover them? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


  13. Hey Norm,

    I think I've got a gauge out in the garage something like this one....the picture of the rear of the gauge brought it to mind. I'm not sure how old it is, probably not vintage, but it's still in the box. If I remember right, it is a Mac or Snap On gauge.....I'll check it out. I had and still have no idea how it works so I've just left it in the box...don't even remember where I picked it up..probably a flea market or garage sale years ago.

    Bob, I sure wish I was closer to your end of the country, so I could park next to that rig of yours and trade tall stories.

    I have an inductive? Amp guage that slips over your battery cable and tells what is actually flowing. You slip the 75-0-75 slot over the cable. I can priority mail to you and just send it back after you're done with it. See the pics. PM or email me if you want to use it.

  14. There are a couple of good ideas James....Kids, Grand Kids, etc. I'm 52, and like many here, getting on the ground is just not as fun as it use to be...but naturally, I still have to sometimes. But, I've got an 11 year old, oops, 12 year old (tomorrow) daughter who helps me with nearly every project around the house....but enjoys the projects we do on the cars the most. She helped me with most of the restoration of our '69 Jeepster Commando...but sold it about 6 months ago after 4 years of work. Well, after it was sold, it was my daughter that pushed the envelope at the dinner table one night after the Jeepster sold and she said..."So dad, what are we going to get to work on"....A couple of months later we had the '48 sitting in the driveway and she had a bit more enthusiasm than I did for getting started on it. Well, her enthusiasm actually built my excitement up a little and in the last 3 months, her and I have gotten a ton of little projects done on the Dodge. And I have to admit, when I'm on the floor under the car on one side, and she's under the car on the other and we find I didn't bring the right size wrench down, or we need something else under the car....well, she's a whole heck of a lot faster to get out and up to get the correct tool than I am....If I had to get up and out everytime I needed a different tool or something, I'd be worn out before I got the project done. She's not my Gopher though......I teach her everything I can when we are laying under the car, under the dash, looking under the hood...and what's really cool is that she retains everything! And she enjoys it! Anyway, nothing beats having a kid around to help and teaching them could be the doorway to future for the child. Hmmmm, since tomorrows her birthday, maybe I should buy her a tool box as a present....man, I'd never hear the end of that from the wife though!

  15. Hey James......I'd read some of this thread a short time ago.....and with the additions finished reading the whole thread today.....and with all the different opinions, the ups and downs....by the time I got to the end and read that you'd reversed the placement of the front main bearing halves, well, for some reason I felt better.....not because you'd made the mistake, but because after reading the whole thread and all the tension and stress that seemed to accompany some of the writers, well, in the end, you'd found the issue and sounded like you had a real positive feel about it, about repairing it....You just sounded a whole lot better about it than you had at the beginning of the post when the problem occured. Anyway.........when I read you found the issue...even I felt better. Not sure why other than the fact that I have been there too......finally just closed up the tool box or parked the vehicle....left it alone for a while. Then came back to it, tore it apart again and found that it was what I expected, but what I expected wasn't really as bad as I'd expected. I know that doesn't make much sense. The 2 points I'm trying to make I guess is that first, I felt better cause you sounded like you felt better...and I'm not even the one with the engine problem....but it just felt good to hear that positive tone in your post. And second, you've found the issue and it's pretty easily fixed...although some work involved....but you should be able to get the flattie fixed & back on the road pretty quickly and it will still be all new. Again, I've felt like you did at the beginning of this thread...just worn out, tired of working on something after a failure and looking at other options....I've learned the best thing, for me anyway, is to walk away, get my mind off of it, what ever it takes...then come back at a later date..weeks, maybe months, and get after it again.

    Anyway, good to know you've found the issue, know you can fix it and look forward to your post that your up and running again, no matter what engine you drop in 'er.


  16. Hey, if anyone is planning on a purchase from JCW of over $50, here is a code that you can punch in during online checkout to get free shipping.


    A while back a member shared his Free Shipping code with us and I was able to take advantage of it, so I thought I'd pass this one along although I realize some of the members here probably got the same code in an email sent by JCW.

  17. That looks awesome Bryan.....Stance looks very old school, but with " new school " components. One question though....and I'm sure you've considered this, but the " go fast " pedal & location of the steering column...Unless you drive using right foot for gas and left for brake.....that columns going to be in the way....Are you planning on droping the gas pedal down a bit?


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