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Posts posted by splat1955

  1. Hey Tim......that sounds like a great recipe..thanks....I've never even heard of a " low boil " of course, I'm a Calif kid born and bred....but I'm going to have to give this a try.....just have to " size down " the recipe a little cause there's generally only 3 of us eating. But about the only sea food I like is shrimp....and my wife loves crab legs ( I cook them for her about 3 times a year...b-day, mothers day, and any other day that I feel like I maybe screwed up) . I'll give it a shot...and surprise her and the kid with that maybe some night this weekend. Oh, but more importantly.....the " Old Bay " seasoning.....I'm pretty sure I'm not going to find that around here, but I'll check on Friday when I go to the store...but if I can't find it....maybe you can tell me of another mixed seasoning that's close...Thanks again.

    try this one if you wish..I do more of a progressive cook by starting with the potatoes and suasage put in when first starting (also prefer while small potaotes sikin on and washed) ...will speed the meal a bit..as the potatoes will start to cook as the water comes to a boil..add corn..bring back to a boil and cook about 3-5 minutes...then add the shrimp...watch the cook time on the shrimp...actually I bring back to a boil and take it all out when it does..then as I like crab legs..I dump all the main meal into a large bowl and start eating while I put the crab legs in..let the crab legs return to a boil and cook at a rolling boil for about 5 minutes...

    enjoy..by the way...OLD BAY Seasoning is best...but there are others out there..suit your own taste in spices


  2. Ya know John, ....you are exactly right. When I posted at the head of this thread....I really was just writing to mention about how I not only got a great trim piece.....but how the seller had gone out of his way to protect the part and get it to me quicker than I'd have expected......Thanks for bringing that back up cause that really was the heart of my post. And I'm still just stoked about how great the piece was. And heat....well, there's no shortage of furnaces and heaters out there...but I'd be hard pressed to find another piece of SS trim in the condition of the piece I just got.

    funny , the replies go about the bad experience.....

    Thought your trim message was all about the great way you got a piece of trim in better shape and seemingly with the guy going the extra mile!

    Good to hear that you had that good experience !


  3. Yeah....I'm hoping he can find a deal on the parts too. It would make this time of year a little easier....but, if not, I just talked to the wife and she is taking the day off tomorrow so we can go down the mountain and do some Christmas shopping for our daughter while she is in school....So we will be looking at those quartz heaters at Sam's Club, Target & Costco. I'd give putting in a new Furnace myself a try....but, I've been up in the attic.....and I've seen that old Lennox.....it's huge....so it would have to be dis-assembled to get it out....and a new furnace put back in it's place....And I don't think I'm up to getting all that done...I think I'll leave that to professionals...But, if were not in the attic.....I'd probably try to save some bucks and give it a try.

  4. Hey Guys......Yeah Shel, it's a Lennox Pulse. I found the original paper work today....it was manufactured in '88 and been up there since the end of '88....so nearly 20 years of service.....I guess I can't complain. I had a guy come out winter before last....he said it was going to need a " tune up " soon....which is a new ignition module and a couple of other parts. But he was able to get it working...but now we are having the same problem again...it fires up, runs through a few cycles, but never getting up to pre-set thermostat temp...then shuts down. Then you can turn it off and back on at the thermostat and it will run through a few more cycles...the bummer is in only runs for a short time....and you have to turn it off and on constantly to get it for about 45 minutes just to get it to warm up 1 degree....and the heater only runs about 5 minutes each time....that's a lot of up and down to turn on the switch.

    The other bummer....the heater guy told us it could cost $600 for the tune up parts. I told him it's not worth it to me...so he is going to see if he can find a deal on the parts, he's been around doing it for 20 years. And needless to say, if we can make it through the winter with it, next year we will go new. If he can't find the parts, I say we just buy a couple of those quartz units....one for each end of the house and burn the heck out of those till next year. But all in all, over the last 6 years, until yesterday, I'd only spent $40 on the heater.......$95 yesterday. I can't complain. At least until I get the bids for a new one.

    25 years, even if it is a "Lennox", is a more than reasonable life for a furnace.

    They are also more efficient now. Time for a new one.

  5. Hey Guys,

    I bid and won a piece of SS trim for the right side front fender today. No big deal....didn't expect much...just something better than the one I had on my car already cause it had been pancaked about 6 inches...but still didn't look totally wasted. Anyway, a guy had the piece.....said it was in nearly like new condition and had been polished...he wanted $20...got it for $25. For some reason I didn't expect to get it until the end of the week.....but it came today and it was packed better than anything I've ever gotten on the bay. The guy had taken some styrofoam pieces and cut a slot on the inside so the piece would fit...and the piece is probably at least 24 inches long. Then he wrapped the styrofoam housing in cardboard with duct tape....then put the whole assembly in a box and sent it Priority Mail. When I got it out of the box, man, it looks like new....probably better than every other piece of trim I have on my car...but besides the shipping container he made to protect it impressing me, the other thing was that he sent it with the correct moulding clips still installed and marked with a marker on the inside of the stainless as to which one went where. Man, usually I have just an " okay " feeling when I get something from the bay....very seldom is it the feeling of " Man, what a deal!"....if you know what I mean. Now, I can pull off the pancaked piece and take the clips from it and use them to put the drivers side fender moulding on that I haven't put on since I got the car cause I couldn't find the right clips! And that trim is pristine too! Just thought I'd share something good that happened today....Since I was bummed most of last night when our heater guy told me our heater is shot and needs to be replaced.

  6. Hey Norm....

    Man, that bumper on the car looks great!! Honestly, I think that would be a pretty cool color for the car even....or any car. Looks good!

    Oh, and yeah, I caught the " Oh, you ate one too." VH with Sammy if I'm not mistaken.

  7. Hey Dave.....That's the Valley Drive-in in Lompoc, isn't it. I recognize it. I lived in Lompoc....actually Jalama Beach growing up. I'd been to that drive-in many times. When young, our folks used to load us in the Dodge van and we'd go on a Friday or Saturday night. One of the many movies I saw there is one that still sticks in my mind today.....it was the original " MASH " movie. My folks would tell us every so often during the movie..." Cover your eyes"....yeah, out of 4 of us kids, I think 3 covered....I wasn't one of them. Man, that was a great drive-in. In my years as a teen, I remember tapping a few pony kegs out of the trunk of my '63 Nova SS.....yeah, those were the days!

    This is the first Drive-In I ever went to back in 1964. It's still there but now it's a recycling center. Took this pic last year.
  8. Hey Wayne....relatively new member here too......welcome. Great bunch of folks here! I like your ride....I'm a '48 4 dr driver too, Dodge. I would love to find a used visor reasonably priced....anyway, again, welcome aboard.

    Norm....I'll have to pull the radio out of the closet. Bought it for my wife 6 years ago for her Mazda.....we traded it in right after we moved up here....so it was probably only a year old when it got pulled out before we traded....I've been hoping to be able to use it in something......and with that inverter, the Dodge might just be the ticket! I'll have to read the manual and see what it draws, changer and head unit.

  9. Hmmmm...cobbler, I could use a good cobbler recipe too. Actually, yeah, I've got a ton of recipes....passed to me from my Mom....who is still one of the best cooks I know. No raisin pie recipe though. And although she's getting up there in age, 87, she still cooks everything from memory....and a lot of her recipes came from her mother and my dads mom. Last year she even took the time during Thanksgiving to print a bunch of here recipes into books and gave them away as Christmas presents.......naturally we got one and there were recipes in it she'd never given me before. I love cooking.

    But I don't think I've ever used that term " throw caution to the wind " before today....still crackin' up about how well that sentence went with the thread title....I was splittin a gut there for a while.....Okay, I'm over it now....really......I mean it.

    Splatt' date=' that's okay, we'll just turn this forum into "Cooking With Tim".:D :D Couple of years ago Tim was good enough to share an old cobbler recipe. Turned out to be just like my long departed grandmother use to make. I had ask several of my family members for that recipe and no one knew how she did it. Thanks again for that one Tim.

    Hey Tim, maybe you should get a publisher for that old book of yours.[/quote']

  10. Hey, thanks Norm.....Yeah, that's the one I had an interest in. I'd gotten the link to it here some weeks ago...but then lost it. Glad you reposted it. So, do you think I'd have a problem with a CD player, Changer and a few speakers? I'm not talking about a separate amp or big bass speakers...but maybe 4 decent size speakers. I'd really like to go with something like this just to have a few of the luxuries I'm missing.

    Hey Dave...........So, where did you get your inverter?

    Splat, here's the one I went with. Costs a little more that some others, seems to be good quality. It's internally switched so it only turns on when there is a demand for 12 volt and turns off with the ignition key. Puts out 6 amps. I hooked mine to a triple lighter outlet. I run an XM boombox, LED interior map light, some other stuff. The only 12 volt item I have that it will not power is a 12 volt siren. And as far as I can tell it's made in the good old U. S. of A.


  11. I'm with you Tim......C'mon Thanksgiving!!! This year Thanksgiving falls on my wifes' birthday....so once again, I was given an ultimatum.....I can either do all the Thanksgiving cooking and cleaning or, I can take her and our daughter out someplace that serves Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving falling on her b-day doesn't happen all that often...so most years it's no big deal...she cooks. Well, this year I am kind of working it.......I'm doing both, but at the same time, I'm doing neither. One of our local little stores that has a Deli is cooking and selling the complete meal....with the works. So, little does she know that I am buying the meal, not cooking, and not having to take her out for it either. Of course, I still have to dishes to do...but hey, I've got a 12 year old daughter that is gonna be helping with those.

    Oh, hey Tim....I've never heard of Raisin pie....but it sounds interesting......I'd like to try it....probably the totally wrong forum to ask...but do ya wanna share a recipe? Geeez....that question I just asked somehow almost sounds like it should be under this Thread name....Sorry guys.....but now and then I just throw caution to the wind.....Hahahahahah....I'm still laughin about the thread name thing....But Tim really, I'd like to give that raisin pie a try.

    I pick on you Norm but at least your car is drivable..mine is on the lift about 6 feet off the floor with the front clip and both front tires off. All the parts are laying on my two 4 x 8 foot roll around tables under the lift..I move them in and out of the shop as I work onthe car itself. Cleaning the front suspension is one long very messy job. The engine painting is shaping up..I have not had time to do much to it these past few days in prepping for Thanksgiving and picking up pecans.

    I bake my raisen pies tonight...how many people here have eaten raisen pie? One of my favorites and my grandmother made the best...of course I think she was an excellent cook and especially excellent baker. Come on Thanksgiving...!!!

  12. I know what you mean Dave.....a few months ago I was looking at a 38 or 39 chevy coupe back east. From the info I got from the seller and what I could see from the picks he sent, it was in really nice shape...had a straight axle up front and was small block ready, camaro rear diff, interior done not too long ago. Just no motor and trans.....and I thought all was good...Until I started talking to transporters, and requesting quotes online...Man, then my inbox became swamped with quotes, warnings on what to watch for by certain transporters, brokers warnings....and of course, since it didn't run, that was going to be between $200 & $400 more. And the seller was even going to get the car to a transport for me within 50 miles.....but none of the brokers or transport companies would commit to when the car would be picked up or delivered to me. I just plain chickened out! I figure there has to be something closer that won't be such a nightmare just to get it home.


    Looks like the truck deal isn't going to work out. First, I couldn't find anyone to bring it out here because of its size. The only places that were even willing to talk about it, began the dialog with "potential quotes" so high it didn't make sense. On top of that, my friend that was going to keep it at his yard for me, lost his lease and can't do it. That means I'd have to take it to my lot in Tehachapi before it was running which would mean even more shipping costs. Then I wouldn't have the facilities or tools handy to work on it. Had I known there would be such and issue with the truck's size, I would have never even considered it. Live and learn again I guess.

  13. Hey Dave...........So, where did you get your inverter? And did ya ever get that truck that you bought back east to SM? Still plan on making a trip there pretty soon...visit some friends and family. Hope to take the Dodge if possible.

    ...6 volt to 12 volt inverter/booster. They come in either 6 volt neg or 6 volt pos. ground, so you'll need to specify. I have heard warning about them getting really hot, but I've run mine for extended periods of time at high output with great results and not so much heat I couldn't put my hand on the booster. I run a hidden CD/MP3 player in the glovebox in addition to my stock 802 which works fine, but as someone mentioned, there ain't much on AM radio anymore.
  14. Hey Ed,

    Thanks....Yeah, I could use a pic....I only have the drivers side front to put on. I did take my trim with me when I went to Napa....but the guy that showed me where the clips were didn't seem like he wanted me to open the little boxes to see if they would fit the trim. So, I just blew it off and figured I'd tackle it another day. But, it's the only piece of fender trim I don't have one and it constantly eats at me. Maybe if you can get me a pic of which ever clips I need just for one side of the front, I can go in to the little guy parts store that I like to use and see if they have them. I'd appreciate it...And thanks.


    Brian, When I got mine I took the trim with me because I had done like you and didnt know the size the first time. Second time I was able to check each universal clip, the green ones with the wire, for each spot I had marked on the trim where the holes were on the fender. I can measure them and get back to you if you like or you could take your trim and physically check them while there or both. I only purchased 6 for the front(both sides) and none for the back. Wish I had now since the fellow who had them passed away last summer and you couldnt find them much cheaper. Just let me know if you need a pic., etc..Ed
  15. Hey Norm,

    The bumper looks great man! And ya know, you'd said you'd thought it was past re-plating after you had sanded on it....but, I've seen way worse bumpers than yours go into plating and come out looking great. All those dips fill up all the scratches. The bumpers I have on front and back of mine now are worse than yours, and I wouldn't think twice about having them plated. But, I really like the look you got with that rustoleum paint....I may even give that a shot myself.

    Tim, that came out great!

    I got impatient, was going to wait til next weekend to pick a color but decided to try the same color I used on my teardrop rims and my head bolt caps. Rustoleum black night metallic. I notice on the trailer rims, it's a fairly hard finish once cured. So here's how it came out. I also painted the bumper bolt heads to match but did not sand them, just cleaned, primered and topcoated. I'll let it cure this week and bolt 'er in next weekend.

  16. Hey Norm,

    I knew it was going to be a Calif resident to bring up the In N Out bumper sticker:D I still have a couple of the originals around here somewhere....although I haven't actually seen them since our move here 6 years ago....could still be in a box that we never unpacked I suppose. But, I have to admit....I was one of those guys with the " urge " rendition of the bumper sticker on all my old hot rods.... I even had " Don't laugh mister, your daughter might be in here! " on the opposite side of the rear bumper on my radical old '63 Chevy Panel Truck. Man, now I don't think I'd have the nerve to have either of those on my bumper....especially since my 12 year old daughter drives around with me all the time. I'd probably get pulled over and cuffed up!

  17. You know Ed, I've heard the same thing.....2 or 3 different sizes for the front or rear fender stainless.....I'd sure like to know which ones. If you ever figure it out, please let me know.....I've gone into Napa and taken one of the stainess peices for the left front fender. They had so many choices, that I ended up leaving with nothing cause I wasn't about to start buying the little boxes of 2 clips each, just to find out I hadn't purchased the right ones. Now, if I could find those trimable universal clips, I might give them a shot. Anyway, if you figure out which ones are needed for the stainless strips on the front and rear fenders....I'd sure appreciate knowing.


    Did you use 3 different size clips for each trim? Purchased some of these last summer locally and noticed that it takes 3 different sized clips like those to fit in the front trim according to the hole locations.

    I havent attached mine yet since the car isnt running. Reason I ask if you used the 3 sizes. Wouldnt want the trim to be offset.

  18. I agree....Johnny would never had laid claim to one of these piles.

    I'd also like to share a little Johnny info. Now, I was never a big fan of his music, although as I kid I did get a kick out of " A boy named Sue"....but anyway, my wife's best friend....well, was the accountant and personal friend of Johnnys for a number of years in the '60's...not exactly sure of the actual years...so it may have also been into the early '70s. Anyway, she has probably the most extensive JC collection.. It's all just stuff she collected along the way while working for/with him. She had many many dinners with Johnny and June over the years in their home. Anyway, a year or 2 ago, she gave me just a bit of her collection to sell for her.....I held on to it for a while...since she lives about 400 miles away from us and only visits us a couple of times a year now. We only lived about an hour away for many years. Anyway, when I had the stuff she wanted to sell, I was just browsing through it...and found a little wooden box. Inside was a religious medal and a picture of a young man, almost identifiable....except for that sheepish grin, you'd almost not be able to tell it was Johnny....probably about 20 years old. Anyway, I told our friend that I wasn't really knowledgeable enough at the moment to sell the collection....but to hold on to it and in a year I would give it a go....Plus she may be moving up here and it will be easier. But I've got to tell you, of all the cool posters, tickets, Concert stuff, nothing was cooler than that picture I'd found. I handed it back to her personally...and she'd forgotten about the picture for over 30 years...guess she thought she's lost it some time ago. She was sooooo happy. Man, that made my day.

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