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John Mathias

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Everything posted by John Mathias

  1. I'm sorry, but if you can't drive...... What do you think dad said when he got home?? Mine caught me doing a donut in his Olds once, just once:o, couldn't sit for a month! Nowadays, parents will try to sue Dodge for an unsafe truck, kinda sad:(
  2. BTW: vapor carbs dont work as well as they used to due to the long chain molecular stucture of the additives they put in todays fuels. And, for some reason, winter fuel works better for low altitude milage tests than it does up here in Denver. I will be building another Pogue style carb for the kid's 54' that has a 55' Windsor 301 poly in it. If you can find a way to break the chain down closer to its basic (origanal) form, you'll find your milage increase as well. I've had good luck with the Fitch(?) catalist system.
  3. Try looking at these sites for some ideas. I built a version of the Pogue carb 20yrs ago for school on a lawn mower engine and it ran for 4 days on less than 12oz of fuel. It was 20yrs ago, I dont remember the exact amount. Granted, it was not loaded down, just idle the whole time, but you get the idea. http://blog.hasslberger.com/2007/04/pogue_carburetor_gasoline_vapo.html#more , http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/VapSter/index.html , http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Bourke_Engine You can also look at the US patent office website to search for high milage carbs.
  4. Mike, thats what I did on mine. Caution here, alot of the ones you buy local will end up spinning. Drill out the threads first, then measure the hole dia and get slightly oversized and PRESS in place.
  5. If you are going to a lugnut style mount, why worry about it being LH thread? Just another chance for the local tire shop, you or the next owner bring it to, to break the stud off. Haven't seen one yet to look for the LH on the stud.
  6. I believe it is:(
  7. This topic seems to pop up every couple of months, Vintage Truck mag has a nice article on rebuilding the Gemmer box with step by step with pics. Nov/Dec 2010 issue, Vol.18, num 5. Focus is on ford(), but they are the same as the Dodge.
  8. Provided he's not talking about a Canadian 218" they were 25" blocks.
  9. If thats all that is a concern, about 4 different driveshft places here in Denver will adjust lenth and balance for under $200
  10. Sent PM, also posting here. Struts were mailed today 10/20/10 UPS ground. Hope they work out for ya.
  11. I got one off a 54' you can have. $25+ship. provided it doesnt get destroyed pulling it off.
  12. Three things come to mind right off. 1st:get yourself a inexpensive tach and see what the engine is actually turning. 2nd: I'm not trying to be rude, but are you sure the diff is 3:73? Count your yoke turns to the wheel turns to be sure. 3rd: do you see any needle change in the tach at speed? could be clutch slipping.
  13. Robin host's a very good BBQ, the ribs, bugers and chicken were great! I'll let him know you said hey. Not a big turnout, so the one's that did show up had a good time, and chowed down on some good food, and good conversation. The only trucks there unfortunatly were just Robins, so no updated pics.
  14. thanks guys!
  15. Tonight @7 we are having a BBQ @ Robin's house. 48-71 years are welcome, we are combining with the Sweptline group. Lets have a good time. If I remember, I'll bring the camera and get some pics. I've been told one guy put a Dak r/p on a solid axle 58/59, I wanna get some shots of that! Info/ph# for address is listed on the EasyStreet forum under events. http://www.easy-streetllc.com/forum/
  16. Reg, did you adj the the horn at all to compinsate for the extra currant?
  17. That's what I thought. Thanks for the input guys! Read about 1/2 dozen posts on 12v conv, not much was said directly related to the horns, and these are pretty cool looking, and LOUD, thats why I'm keeping them.
  18. without using the voltage step down resistor, how long do you guys think the 6n horns will last with 12v applied?
  19. If you have joined the pilothouse club, Bob will be sending out a very good listing of the venders, and a cross referance to part# to the new #'s and where to locate them. Thats worth the mem fee alone!! THANKS BOB!!
  20. If you have joined the pilothouse club, Bob will be sending out a very good listing of the venders, and a cross referance to part# to the new #'s and where to locate them. Thats worth the mem fee alone!! THANKS BOB!!
  21. Just wish I had an extra $3500 laying around
  22. Sears has the tappet wrenches for $25 with free shipping right now.
  23. Phillips ph# last I knew: 1-360-445-4800 (2008)
  24. I have both struts you need, pay postage and they are yours. Already removed from vehicle and stitting in a pile. Also sent a PM.
  25. Of course I think it's cool! Mainly due to the fact I'm putting one on mine. Going to be running a Fenton dual intake with the 2bbl carbs, Fenton alum head with the Mcculluch SN60 supercharger. Going to have a cr of 8.5 prior to the S.C. so that ought to raise to 10:1 give or take. Been told by some old racers in the area, they used to run up to 13:1 cr on the track w/o a supercharger, but they did have to re-ring every month. Will get into the math later after I get the mounting brackets and pulleys. Long way to go yet, block has yet to be machined.
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