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Steven Hood

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Everything posted by Steven Hood

  1. Should look something like this. Steve
  2. How about this one? It is a 1954 Dodge 4x4 Special Truck model C1-QW6. That is a pilothouse cab on a Power Wagon. Steve
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1940-1950-TRUCK-CLEARENCE-LIGHT-SET-FORD-CHEVY-DODGE_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ10076QQihZ001QQitemZ110218928354QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW These are almost an exact match to what I have on my 1949 1-ton. And my are factory. Steve
  4. When accessible, I would highly recommend Jim's photos. They are great, and almost everything is covered. Steve
  5. http://www.datatags.com/ They make tags, which are perfect repros, and will put all the info on them for you. Steve
  6. I'm not 100% sure, but I am 90% that my flat bed is a Gerstenslager bed, but the stakes ar long gone, and was replaced with this grain box before I bought it. These bed photos may help a bit. Steve
  7. The only standard colour that could be seen as "Butterscotch" would be Charlotte Ivory, unless it was a fleet vehicle, and then it could be just about anything. Dodge had a "special order" department that would do just about anything a customer wanted, especially if it was an easy change. Unfortunately, most of the records for those changes no longer exist, so just about anything is possible. You can find the 1952 paint chips here: http://dodgepilothouseclub.org/know/color/imgcol/index.htm Hope this helps, Steve
  8. Update: I have removed everything that has been sold from the ad for the items I have for sale. I appreciate everyone who bought these parts from me, and I hope they work well for their needs. I will leave the rest of these items up for a couple of days, then I am going to pull them off. Again, thanks to everyone. Steve PS. Send me pictures of your trucks when they are done, I would love to see them. I will post the ad for my truck in a couple of weeks, as I can't get to the barn it's in right now because of the snow.
  9. Reg, I would have bought that instead of my truck, too! Steve
  10. I can find the part number for it, but not a picture. Anybody else got anything?
  11. I would say the first, but that is purely a guess. Let me do some checking and see what I can find. Steve
  12. Also try Vintage Power Wagons, in Fairfield, IA. Most of their stuff is for Power Wagons, and WW II 4x4's, but they do have a lot of mechanical stuff. You can request a free catalogue, also. Steve www.vintagepowerwagons.com
  13. Definitely go with the Por-15. If there is a nick, or you have to repair anything, it is easier to touch up. If you chip the powder coat, you are screwed!
  14. Thanks, Merle. Everything is going to be fine. I plan on looking for another truck as soon as I can, but I need to change some priorities right now. I still plan on being active here on this site, and in DPETCA (yes, BOB, I will be renewing ). I'd go nuts if I didn't start my day off with reading what's up on here. I just sent more stuff to Bob Koch for scanning, so I plan on keeping active. Having come from the Power Wagon world to here, I want to help anyway I can to get as much info as I can out there so people can find it for the work they need to do on these beautiful trucks. There just isn't a lot of info out there for us.
  15. Hey guys, I have posted an ad in the truck part classified section with some stuff I am selling. Some sudden change of plans with the family have forced me to sell my B-1-D dually stake, and all the parts I have accumulated for it. I wanted you guys to get first crack at them. Let me know if your interested. I will be posting an ad for the truck at a later date, unless someone is interested. Then I'll give you the details. Thanks, Steve
  16. A 1953 ½-ton, had a GVW from 4,250# - 4,900#. A 6000# trailer should be plenty. I brought my 1-ton dually, with wooden grain box, home on one for 8 hours without any problems. http://imageevent.com/hoody/1949b1d126?p=12&w=4&c=4&n=0&m=24&s=0&y=1&z=2&l=0 http://imageevent.com/hoody/1949b1d126?p=11&w=4&n=1&c=4&m=24&s=0&y=1&z=2&l=0 Steve
  17. HELP! Any body else having trouble getting into the DPETCA site? I keep getting an "account suspended" window. Bob?
  18. Kroil is my brand of choice, also. Works great!
  19. There was one of those on eBay just last week. I think it sold for $7-$8, I believe. Would be cool to have.
  20. If you need parts, or need someone to rebuild them for you, try this guy...http://www.wiperman.com/ . I know many people on the Power Wagon site that have used him and he does an excellent job.
  21. Thanks. The extra change goes into the house this year. Then the truck and a new shop get to happen. I am in your area (sort of) fairly offen. My brother lives in Bloomingdale, just east of Kalamazoo. Steve
  22. Your title is probably correct. Your truck is probably a late in the model year '52, and was sitting on the lot still when the '53's came out. So when it sold, it was titled as a '53. Happened all the time back in the day, not that I actually was around "back in the day". You may be able to get your DMV to correct it, but I don't think I would go through the hassle. Steve
  23. 48wingnut, Great looking truck! I'm just a little partial to the 1-ton trucks. I hope mine looks that good some day. Steve
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