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Everything posted by Bobtjr(dale)

  1. Hey, I hope this does not sound to elementary I was not trying to talk down to anyone! Dale
  2. yes, I totally agree, every one on these cars I have seen has not had a ground strap between the motor and body or frame. It helped my amp guage to read correctly thanks again Dale
  3. This is what i did to my fathernlaws 47 p15. Before I took the wiring harness out of the car I labeled each wire eactly where it goes. Then I unhooked eveything, pulled the entire harness out of the car. Then I laid it out on the shop floor and started rebuilding the wire harness one wire at a time retagging each wire as I tagged the original . When your done you should have two wiring harnesses, identical in length and shape. Both tagged and the new one ready to reinstall. As far as wire color either you can draw out a color diagram yourself, or use one color of wire because you tagged both ends of the wire. By the way if you take clear box tape and encase your tags they will be readable for years to come. They will be water proof and grease proof. Also the ink can't run. Also its a good idea to put the old one with the tags still in place in a bag or box in storage, so you can have a reference for latter if you ever need it. I used one color because of expense. His harness has been in the car and worked flawlessly since 1992 ps. Make shure you flux all your wires before soldering. A cold solder can be difference between failure and success. OH, by the way pay attention to the guage of wire you use, you can make it out heavier guage, but don't go to lighter guage. The wire can over heat. Hope this helps Dale
  4. no video;) helped another guy build a setup. This stuff is not new just underground. There is no real laws against it in the usa, but frowned upon heavily. Public endagerment and the such. This is much safer than street luge, much more control. No braking on street luge, execpt for dragging your feet. you can't see very well because your on your back. That I have tried.. not a fan. I am older now not real thrilled about breaking bones. or damaging anything else. once a daredevil now a coward hehe:D or just getting some wisdom as i get older:cool: Dale
  5. Guys, the tubes he has on his arms are the steering and part of the braking system there is a pistol grip inside of the arm cones. They are made of a combination of carbon fiber and kevlar. The thing on his back is a safety device to keep him from breaking his back. It is also the emergency brake of sorts. Anyone notice that the wheels on his back are crazy wheels like on a creeper. Ya notice how it looks like a creeper? well..... Did anyone notice the set of skateboard trucks on the rear of the creeper? The wheels on some of them are replaced with skid stops, like on the tips and the heals of his shoes. There is also a triangular skid pad on his rear if you look close. The theory is if you roll, you try to make to your back and sit up. Then you use your heels and hand cones to stop. Notice i said (theory). No you may not ask how I know this!!! Dale
  6. the plain and simple answer is heck no If anyone has seen the coupe my father (Bobt) inlaw has posted with the tree across the top thats little jewel is all mine now! I have complete top now all the way to the seem on the fire wall I need to straighten the quarters measure and get the door gaps correct weld braces in then weld the new top on . Make shure the doors/ trunk open and close correctly. fix the rust the floors, then get some glass in it and then worry about paint I really can't see myself making shure the bottom is as pretty as the top. I will wire brush the entire bottom and probably put bed coating on it but media blasting it putting it on the rotisarie and painting the bottom no thanks besides every car that i have sent to to blasted came with a lot more work than would have been necessary before. I am about having a great driver as well as a semi show car I have 33 ford sedan delivery in the shop now that I have over a 1000 hours in it know and its just ready to be painted new pete and jakes frame, powder coated, corvette suspension, L6 motor, 700 r4. steel floor, recessed fire wall ect ect ect. any ways i want to be able to drive my early 49 club coupe in the near future not the the next year or two or three. I have built to many garage queens for other people I want something I love but I can jump in it and drive to work or across country without worring about it Guys I will post pictures as soon as I can figure how to do it and show my progress. thanks dale hope i didn't hi jack the post I'm new to this kind of thing, if I do or say something stupid tell me ill fix it thanks again Dale
  7. thanks was on my to do list that got bumped to the side thanks for reminding me. ps. has anybody used lubricool in their system supposed to lubricate your water pump from the inside Dale
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