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Al Martin

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Everything posted by Al Martin

  1. Norm: on your picture of the Crane Cam XR700 Ignition System the written number is wrong. Should be: # 700-0231. http://www.cranecams.com/?show=browseParts&lvl=5&prt=160&action=partSpec&partNumber=700-0231 More bad news: Part Number: 700-0231: Operating Voltage 8 to 18 volts, reverse polarity protected, negative or positive ground. Not compatible with 6 volt electrical systems as these may drop below 4 volts during cranking. Do anybody use the Crane Cam XR700 Ignition System? Does it still work good with 6 volt (neg, ground)? Yours Al
  2. Why not like this:confused: : http://www430.pair.com/p15d24/mopar_forum/showthread.php?t=3848&highlight=t-shirt Red on White or White on Red? If no frame, you put the: www.P15-D24.com under the "1946-48 Mopar" in the same color as the rest. Al
  3. Do anybody know if this gaztank would fit a 1950 Plym 4dr P20? http://www.tanksinc.com/index.cfm/page/ptype=product/product_id=164/category_id=68/home_id=59/mode=prod/prd164.htm Yours Al
  4. Dan, where you from? Olson, sound swedish? Tell us some of your background and cars. Al
  5. http://www.fifthaveinternetgarage.com/parts/parts_counter_3.html Al
  6. Check this: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=41438 http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-58645.html "RUNTZ voltage regulator is only for electrical gauges!" http://www.fifthaveinternetgarage.com/parts/parts_counter_2.html http://www.hotrodders.com/forum/gauge-wiring-6-volt-12-volt-101011.html Al
  7. Wheels nat´s north 2007 in Umeå, Sweden. http://www.stadskartan.se/start/karta.asp?CityId=9106&KartId=24 http://www.stadskartan.se/start/karta.asp?Kartid=12208&cityid=9106&streetid=0 The carclub Nailheads rod & rebuilt: http://www.nailheads.nu/ arrange Wheels nat´s north 2007 in Umeå. http://www.nailheads.nu/images/bakgrundsbilder/wheels07.jpg Al
  8. Sorry Don, I did not know that is was your original idea. Feel like a fool. Al
  9. Check this Guys: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74221 "I am almost ready to start production of this adapter. My only delay is that I wanted to include a pilot bushing and hardware with the adapter and I'm not quite finished with the pilot bearing/bushing design. Please reply with your email address and I will add you to my T-5 Adapter mailing list." Paul Curtis 19319 Candlelight Roseville, MI 48066 586-296-2488 T-5 Adapter mailing list: pjplymouth@netscape.net Im gonna ask Paul if he have the adapter i need. :-) Al
  10. Well Guys, have pulled the gearbox, p-plate with c-disc now and on the g-box side of the c-disc it was grease on it and some rivet tracks on the p-plate. Looks like the CLUTCH RELEASE BEARING was leaking grease all ower the place. The bearing looks new, but the outerring is very loose. Should there be any CLUTCH RELEASE BEARING PULL BACK SPRING ??? The Clutch release fork was very loose allso. Don, looks like you got it right. That spring is missing on my c-fork. So that have made the c-fork loose and the c-release bearing bounceing on the release leverer. And finally brake it. Do any of you guys have a spring like the one on Dons picture? I have checked the flywheel and I think it got holes for a 10" p-plate. Do any of you guys have a flywheel so you could check the distance between the holes? Between the 2 holes of the the Blackarrow & the Bluearrow. http://www.algonet.se/~almartin/p20/p-plate%2010%20inch-22.jpg And I need bigger bolts to the 10" p-plate. Anybody know where I can get some that fits? Al
  11. Well, this makes me wanna put a T5 gearbox in my P20. Straight through mechanic, no electrical mumbo jumbo. Once done, no more hassle. Please Lord, give me a Transmission kit!! Al
  12. Here is Smokey McGill’s “Anaconda” Ten-Passenger Harley-Davidson Powered Limo Trike: http://www.cycleconnections.com/articledetail.asp?TypeID=30&ID=472 Al
  13. Nice T-shirt Bob. Make mine a Black XXL. But I want the: www.P15-D24.com on the bottom of the white frame. OK? Al
  14. Well Guys, have pulled the gearbox, p-plate with c-disc now and on the g-box side of the c-disc it was grease on it and some rivet tracks on the p-plate. Looks like the CLUTCH RELEASE BEARING was leaking grease all ower the place. The bearing looks new, but the outerring is very loose. Should there be any CLUTCH RELEASE BEARING PULL BACK SPRING ??? The Clutch release fork was very loose allso. What do you think about that? Al
  15. Anybody know if the Stovebolts Mopar Transmission Adapter Kit: http://www.stoveboltengineco.com/acartpro/product.asp?productid=150 would fit my P20, 218? Al
  16. Hi guys, Im looking for Clutch release bearing pull back springs to my 1950 P20, 3 speed man. I have called: www.robertsmotorparts.com www.oldmoparts.com www.vintagepowerwagons.com all out of stock. Anybody know where to get the springs? Al
  17. Shel, I have not yet determined if I got a 9 1/4" or 10" disc. The engine is not out yet. "Normspeed" said the 10" was for Police & Taxi cars. Maybe I get lucky as it is a Diplomat car, and have a 10" or the flywheel came with two sets of threaded holes... First I have to get a ENGINE CRANE/LIFT, to get the engine and gearbox out of the car. Im just trying to cover all bases. Guys, "Shel" told me, he have a 10 spline center the same as his fluid drive disc, but the center is not the same size, as his fluid drive disc. 1: His FD disc is 1.045 which he would think would be a "1 inch". 2: The other disc measures 1.258, about 1 1/4". That measurement is at the narrowest point from one spline to the one on the opposite side. Then 1.375 (35mm) at the widest inside part between the splines. The manual transmission with the 10" disc may have a different input shaft than my fluid drive, but I cannot confirm that. Does the manual trans with 10" disc, have a different input shaft then the 91/4", or would his 10" (2) disc fit on my 3 speed man?? Al
  18. James and Guys, Im waiting for my new clutch disc from Andy Bernbaums. But I didn't now about the "marcel" on the clutch disc. And my clutch is allso chattering like" airbikebills". I thought it was the engine that was shaking. So I wounder if any of you Guys have a old used 91/4 clutch disc I could buy from you and send to James so he could bring it with him to the 75 year old man in San Francisco who has a clutch shop. Then I now I get the right one for my DeSoto Diplomat. P20 engine, 3 speed man, car. Al
  19. Im going for the Neg ground Alt. I asked the guy on ebay: autoelectricandbattery1171, about the output the Alternator that he got for Sale would give. This is the Response from: autoelectricandbattery1171.. eBay Item: ALTERNATOR 6 VOLT POSITIVE GROUND GM STYLE NEW (190080501925) This message was sent while the listing was active. "Hi, the idle output will vary depending on your crank pulley size. The average is 20 amps. Maximum output is 45 amps." ========================================= Looks like it gives very low average Amp & only 40 Amp at Max. I want more Amps. Check this one out: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=015&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=250102353456&rd=1,1 "These alternators will provide 60 amp maximum with around 40 amp at idle." Only $ 95.00. But they look very similar to eatch other. I think I go for this one. 5 th Ave,s is to much money. What do you think Guys?? Al
  20. Thanks for the Info guys. Anobody know how Wide the gen, drive pulley Groove is? Al
  21. rearview, thanks for the ebay tip. thats nothing wrong with the battery, its the generator that going bad. I just wonted to know if Anybody know what size the generators Drive Pulley is on a P20, 218? Al
  22. I did buy a new 6 Volt / 165 Amps batteri last week. And now my generator is charging lesser and lesser, so Im gonna buy a 6 Volt Alternator from: http://www.fifthaveinternetgarage.com/parts/index.html Anybody know what size the generatror Drive Pulleys size is on a P20, 218? Al
  23. Guys, have orderd a clutch-disc & some other parts from Andy Bernbaum. He says it should be a 9 1/4" c-disc on my 1950 P20 engine. Could I fit a 10" c-disc on my flywhell with a 10" p-plate? Do anyone know if the screw patterns is similar on a 9 1/4" pressure-plate and a 10"? Colored Red on the pic. Are the splines similar in numbers & size on a 9 1/4" and 10" c-disc? Much confused. Al
  24. Guys, Shel got a 10" clutch for me, but he thinks it is a Fluid drive disc. Please read and let me know what you think: "Al, I checked the disc. used a brass wire brush, and all I could find was a large A on one side. Seller has a piece of tape on the disc marked 48-51 Plym Dodge. We should probably pass on this or at least hold for some measurements. It is a 10 spline center the same as my fluid drive disc, but the center is not the same size. My FD disc is 1.045 which I would think would be a "1 inch". The other disc measures 1.258, about 1 1/4". That measurement is at the narrowest point from one spline to the one on the opposite side. Then 1.375 (35mm) at the widest inside part between the splines. The manual transmission with the 10" disc may have a different input shaft than my fluid drive, but I cannot confirm that. Shel" How about that Fluid drive disc "input shaft"? Is there i differens in measurement at the narrowest point from one spline to the one on the opposite side? Is there any differens between Fluid drive and the 3 speed man, input shaft? Al
  25. Bobs says: "I think the 11 inch one may be heavy duty like for a taxi or a truck. Click on link for picture of clutch plate:" http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v96/BobT3/Petey%20Plymouth%201/Underside-wheels/100_5200.jpg Anybody know I can use it in my P 20, 3 speed man? Al
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