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Everything posted by 48WingNut

  1. You can also get some parts through NAPA.
  2. Check out the interior on this pickup on Ebay! Oh my! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1953-Dodge-B-Series-Pickup-Truck-Manual-Book_W0QQitemZ110086653958QQihZ001QQcategoryZ6197QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem 48WN
  3. Try a NAPA Auto parts store if you have one near you. 48WN
  4. For those of you looking for a gas tank for a pilothouse truck there is on listed on Ebay, item number 230082046202 48WN
  5. You could talk to a local carpet company about finishing the edges. They could tell you how much extra material to leave and they could (or should know of somebody) sew the edges. 48WN
  6. Thanks guys! It sounds like everybody runs what they feel is the best. I was leaning towards the 10-30 but wasn't even thinking about detergent or non detergent. I'll figger something out. Thanx again! 48WN
  7. Cool that is what I was thinking. How many quarts of oil is needed for a 28 230 engine? 48WN
  8. What's the right oil to use in these old flatheads anyways? 48WN
  9. Finally found the Cars and Parts Magazine. Definetly a good article about the dodge brothers and how they got started. And great pic's of a B-1-B from down in Texas. Wish I had a scanner so I could post it. Maybe if somebody else has one they could do it? 48WN
  10. There are 3 of them on Ebay right now too! 48WN
  11. Funny they show up in the darnest places.
  12. Cool...thanx Reg!
  13. Anybody have an idea what year and what vehicle this ram's head hood ornament came off of? My grandpa had it on his 84 Dodge truck when I bought it from him many years ago and when I sold the truck I kept the hood ornament. This is a 2 piece ornament. The horns can be removed. Thanx! 48WN
  14. Yup I looked at that diagram. The arm on the back of the motor that the wipers hooks too faces up and down. Mine faces left and right. And I don't see any way of adjusting that arm to make it correct. Guess I need to take it apart again! Thanx for the help Reg. 48WN
  15. I e-mailed Zero Rust to find a dealer close to me. And it was Auto Value Parts warehouse in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I called an Auto Value Parts store here in town and they can get it for me from the warehouse. So I'd e-mail Zero Rust and see who stocks it in your area. 48WN
  16. They have a website. You can contact them on their site and request a dealer closest to you.
  17. Not sure on the visor but there was a set of chrome bars on ebay a while back that went around $600. Sell it at a reserve for the price you want to get out of them and see what happens. 48WN
  18. Anybody know of a person that I can talk too about vaccum wiper blade motors? Thanx! 48WN
  19. Hmmmmmm.......i'm really confused now. I just recieved my "Dodge B-Series Trucks" book yesterday afternoon. It's a great book and you can pick it up on Amazon.com's website cheap. I paid $2.99 plus shipping. Anyway I looked at the pic to see where the wipers are parked at and they are in the down position. Now what I don't understand is if I remove the wiper blade arms and put them in the down position when parked, when I turn them on the first place they will want to go is down even further. I guess the only thing I can think of is maybe the wiper motor got swapped out at some time (but doesn't look like it did), and that is why it does what it does? Any suggestions? 48WN
  20. So I guess I need to remove the wiper blades and arms and put them in the bottom position when they are in park. Will check it out and see if it's possible. 48WN
  21. So looking at the back of the gauge there are two posts. Which one is ground and which one does the ignition wire go to? 48WN
  22. Any way of checking the existing fuel gauge to see if it is ok before proceeding to other problems? I also noticed only one wire going to the gauge with a couple of other stock wires just laying up under the dash. All my other gauges work so i'm not sure what the other two wires go to. Thanx for your help. 48WN
  23. While fixing my wipers I found a little "map" light under the dash, that you just reach under and flip a switch to make it work. Was this stock? It's right directly under the gauges. Just curious. 48WN
  24. Shaaazzzzzzam! Took the wiper motor off this morning. Gave it a good cleaning and that didn't help. So the "I wonder how this works" in me decided to investigate further. After removing the cap on the top of the motor I found a shaft with a spring with a fiber "thingy" on the end of it. Under that was a little gear of some sort. After working the motor a few times I figured out that gear wasn't moving all the way over the hole to create a vaccum to make the wipers return to "park" (which is up). So I sprayed some WD-40 in there and worked it a few times and blew it out. And sprayed it again and it works just fine. Let it rain! Well sprinkle. LOL. Anyways thank for all your help! 48WN
  25. Sure. Shoot us a pic when you get a chance. What kind of price on it? 48WN
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