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Jim Neville

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  • My Project Cars
    1950 Chrysler Windsor Deluxe Convertible

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    Wainfleet Ontario
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  1. Does anyone have a picture of the "fill hole" for the fluid drive. I'm kinda not certain which one it is also. Thanks.
  2. I have a red 1950 Chrysler Windsor. I would love a model like the one in the picture. Anyone know were I could purchase one?
  3. Thank you for the info. The temperature when I was driving was in the mid 80's. Temp gauge was pushing it's limit when stopped. Once it cooled down I noticed I was down a bit so I added water to bring it up. Maybe 10-12 ounces. Then I thought why didn't I put more coolant in instead. Just to be safe I figure I better flush and put new coolant in.
  4. Another rookie question. Just wondering what brand and type everybody is using for coolant on a 1950 251 cu. in. flathead. Also, do you fill it straight up with coolant or add some water to it? Thank you.
  5. Had the '50 Windsor convertible out yesterday for a quick boot. A little chilly here in southern Ontario so I kept her top up. Running great after the hibernation.
  6. Finally got everything running great on the C-48, '50 Windsor Convertible and wouldn't you know it, another problem. The speedometer has been acting up lately. It would jump all over the place but once she got warmed up it would be OK. Today, as I was slowing down I could hear it make a grinding noise and then nothing. I have oiled it in the past and that seemed to help but now I figure it's time to change it. My question is does anyone know the length I should order? Recently had back issues so I know I can't go under the dash and disassemble it myself so I was going to order it from Bernbaum or E-Bay and take it to my mechanic for him to fix. Getting old sure sucks sometimes. Not sure if it is 83 inches, 73 inches or 63 inches. Thank you.
  7. Hello all. I'm looking to install seatbelts in my Windsor before the weather starts turning nice back home in Ontario. Does anyone know the type I should get? I know they will just be lap belts but not sure about the length. I'm currently in St. Augustines Florida, so I figured I would have better luck finding them down here than back in Canada. Would a auto parts store like Napa or Auto Pro have them down here? Thank you.
  8. I'm looking for a left side door switch for my '50 Windsor convertible. I have looked high and low for one but no luck. Anyone know where I might be able to find one?
  9. Now that my '50 Windsor is in the garage for it's winter hibernation I was looking at cleaning up the engine bay area. It has the 251 original flathead in it. I have had the car for a little over a year and never really got to clean all the nooks and crannies. There is a lot of grease and crap on the engine, mostly on the bottom end. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what would be the best way to clean it up. Would a degreaser do the trick and a few old tooth brushes and lots of elbow grease? Thanks.
  10. Hello all. Love this site. It really helps a rookie getting Into the Mopars. Finally going to change plugs in my 251 L Head. My shop manual calls for Auto Lite Resistor AR5 plugs but I see previous post that AR8's are used. Not sure which way to go. Also being from Canada what would be a good brand to buy here. Auto Lite is not available here.
  11. Thanks Keith. I'm slowly picking up tools that I thought I would never need. I just disconnected the radio until I can figure out why my battery went dead so quick. These 'olde Mopars are sure a money pit but lots of fun! After charging my battery I took it out for a spin and now the fluid drive tranny won't shift. Any ideas as to why? Watched all of your YouTube videos. Love it!!
  12. Hello all. Finally got around to seeing why my radio was not working in my '50 Windsor. Found that the speaker wire and power wire were not connected. Radio works! Yahoo! After having her out for a drive I pushed the off button on the radio and parked it. 3 days later went out to go for a drive and the battery was completely dead. My question is would the radio still draw current from the battery even when parked? Would setting up a battery disconnect prevent this? Thank you.
  13. Wow! Seat belts sure is a hot topic. I'm going to do more investigating before I put belts in my '50 Windsor. Does anyone have a pic of seat belts and the anchor position that are in a 2 door convertible? Thank you.
  14. Thank you for you reply. Yes I agree that defensive driving is the key to staying safe in these old beauties. Do you know the length of the belts that you put in your '48 P15?
  15. Hello all. My '50 Windsor Convertible is finally ready for some cruising. New wire harness, fuel pump, new Coker tires, fuel sending unit, new brakes, etc. I would like to put seat belts in it once the cold weather hits. Because it's a convertible, I can only put lap belts in. Has anyone put belts in a convertible? Not sure how to anchor them. Does anyone know of a seller in Canada that would sell these? Thanks.
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