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Everything posted by OUTFXD

  1. Looking to remove it for cleaning and painting I found the thread side of a bolt (one on either side)
  2. Looking under the dash. It appears, yes, to be some sort of drip tray with a drain hose
  3. Noticed a.. Drip tray? that was still rusty and plugged with pine needles
  4. Checking the Cowl vent I rush-painted the other night. not toooo bad for a rush job. I will clean it up later.
  5. That looks like the exact same cart! (save yours still has the center tray!)
  6. Greetings and welcome! Congratulations on your buy! Lots of good people on this forum and tons of information to be had!
  7. That is a great idea! You could have a P.A. system that plays the Jaws theme when you open the vent!
  8. Repainted the Cowl vent. I was most of the way through before realizing I hadnt taken any before pics. I painted the top piece black for the time being. I will repaint it body color when I paint the car.
  9. I spray on a quick coat of Rustolium. The temps in the mid fifties, I put a Propane heater in the passenger cabin hoping to raise the temp enough the primer will dry before the rain hits.
  10. Racing an incomming rain storm. I do a quick clean up and mask off.
  11. The culprit? a pine needle choked Cowl Vent seal.
  12. And I Pulled up the Bench seat and removed the Cardboard covering the floors to find...... a remarkably intact floor pan.
  13. Pulled up the door sill plates and, unsurprisingly, found some rott.
  14. I understand the mistrust of Engineered Obsolescence. I am trying to gauge for myself what is a legitimate upgrade and what is a carrot on a stick to get you to buy things you dont need. Didnt mean to hijack your thread!
  15. So... Is this an appropriate place to ask about the advantages of Solid state vs Mechanical relays on our cars?
  16. Looking sharp man! Good job! Loved your write up!
  17. Visually the Jegs Radiator looks like the 1949+ radiator. (cap located horizontal in the middle of the radiator instead of to the left at an Diagonal, Straight inlet instead of Curved). I am on the fence if this will fit, but not have the stock appearance. Also, its alluminum, which has a much lower Heat Transmission than copper. which means poorer cooling.\ LOOKS like 46-47-48 are interchangeable, 1949 is a different radiator. No idea if it will fit or not.
  18. Okay. JEGS has a 1947 radiator for $260. Buyaradiator.com "On sale" for $240 if I buy in the next 11 hours *rolls eyes* Found a universal radiator for $199, But honestly I dont like "Universal" parts/ Calming down a bit. What years are compatible with my 1946?
  19. Also... WTF? a 1949 + Radiator. $200 to $250. a 1946 Radiator $800-$1300 Urge to destroy world rising! Tell me someone on the sight knows of a place that charges a reasonable amount for a 1946 Radiator. PLEASE!
  20. On a related topic... Is there any point to an overflow tank on our engines? I have a friend who insists they are important. I am... skeptical.
  21. Visually inspecting the radiator in the car I can spot three or so pinhole leaks so I was planning on having the radiator gone through after the holidays... Just have to find a craftsman who does radiators. I want someone who has done a thousand Radiator and can rebuild mine while taking a nap instead of some Minimum wage Millennial who has never OWNED a car with a copper radiator.
  22. One of Jaquiline's big issues is a coolant leak. a big one. I can fill the radiator and (Without the engine running) the radiator will loose two to three gallons in, say, 10 minutes. There is no Water in the oil, There is no Steam from the exhaust. The radiator seems.... okay (Needs work, stay tuned) A puddle does form under the car. However with the heavy rain we are currently getting, and the fact I have a gravel drive. I am hesitant to get under the car. I can see water running down the front of the engine, but not where it is coming from. At this point I am planning to Replace all the radiator hoses, and tear down/Rebuild the water pump. clean up the Thermostat housing and install new gaskets. Before I start on this endeavor.... I there anything I should know/look for while I am in there? Any and all advice welcome!
  23. Very nice! Post some pics if you can! I would love to do a front disk swap on Jacquiline, One of my three Safety upgrades. (15 mile per hour Bumper "shocks", three point seat belts, Disk Breaks) . But that is waaaaay down the line. She has all new drums on all four and I can lock up the tires on Dry pavement.
  24. Sadly, my tool collection left my possesion a few years ago so its pretty small. though currently I am engaged in making Car specific tools. I wanted a Toolbox for road emergencies and tools I will ever only use on this car (I mean, what else am I going to use my feeler gauge for?) so I bought a vintage Union tool box and painted it to match. and my sister gave me a tea cart to restore so I started an "Artsy" paint job before discovering she didnt WANT it back, so I painted the legs to match the car and now I have a car specific tool cart.
  25. Ahhh! I was trying to figure out weather you meant my manifold or Bobs. LOL
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