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Dodge City

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Everything posted by Dodge City

  1. Is the lack of interest in the old car collector hobby from the younger crowd due to lack of disposable income when you are starting out with a family? Or due to misinformation or ignorance about the old Mopars do they think it will cost $20-30 grand to get into this? Or is it mostly something you acquire as you age some. Or when you are younger your hobbies and interests are different than when you "mature" (kind word for old).?
  2. Greg G, that's a cool trick!
  3. I'll bite. What is the schader valve air compressor trick to recharge the can?
  4. knuckleharley, is that the same folks that live in the best area in town and get their electricity turned off because they couldn't afford to pay the bill that month?
  5. Anybody else experience this. When driving the old cars around you get way more thumbs us up, honks , comments, etc. from the twenty something crowd than any other demographic. Or is it because older people just more reserved?
  6. Anybody else experience this. When driving the old cars around you get way more thumbs us up, honks , comments, etc. from the twenty something crowd than any other demographic. Or is it because older people just more reserved?
  7. Thanks Keith, point well taken! Every ol'cowboy has a bunch of them lying around. Great tip by the way.
  8. Plymjim, Appreciate the reply! Just didn't know if these were notorious for being trouble and I need to hit a few days with penetrating oil or pretty straight forward. The car hasn't been driven much in years, and I am going to change that and use pretty regular. Just trying to get all the maintenance caught up current so I feel better about it when I'm putting those miles on...
  9. I am new to these old Mopar's and was curious about greasing the rear axle wheel bearings. My plugs for the grease access seem pretty corroded on the outside am I in for a stubborn fight in removing these? Any suggestions beforehand? How do you grease it just push it up into the hole? I appreciate any input...
  10. Chrysler1941 I stand corrected Sir, did not realize that had seen some ring and pinions on the net for 8 1/4" Mopar rear axles just assumed that applied to these.
  11. Greg G, I appreciate the clarification on how one works. The factory OEM overdrive's on Ebay listed for $1800 and possibly have to spend a few more thousand to get them rebuilt when getting them, this just seemed like a fair alternative to the increased speed issue so many are trying to figure out. Sure seems like the cheap way to go is a ring and pinion swap of the rear end gears for around $200 will work better for those on a budget...
  12. Has any body ever tried or had experience with the modern Gear Vendors overdrives? Their website states they make a bolt on for every classic car imaginable. They have a great reputation in the racing community. Just mounts behind your existing transmission, either automatic or manual with a simple switch on dash to engage or disengage or use a dimmer type switch on floor if you like. You would have to shorten the driveline however. The website show price at $2850. Spendy but a simple solution...
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