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Everything posted by smallblockjunkie

  1. you couldn't get the dog to use the shovel? it was right there next to him.
  2. checked them out yesterday $350.00 for clear glass 100.00 more for tint
  3. that is suspost to say know who
  4. Does anyone how might sell the one piece door glass
  5. I used a spary on bed liner on the inside of my front and rear fenders also the bottom of the running boards and other parts it works great
  6. put the cab in place today and some how everything fit:) there is probley more wire for the computers then the truck had in when it was new
  7. I installed the passanger door today and it fit realy nice except for the top From about half way up the window to the top is is not flush sticks out about 1/8 to 3/16 in is there any way to ajust this or does the door have a little bend there?
  8. a few pictures of the dash
  9. my $60.00 camera off of ebay dosn't do the truck much good
  10. got the electrical and part of the dash installed today
  11. the paint and other materials is all from tcp global out of san diego
  12. painted the inside of the cab yesterday the color is firemist purple with 1/2 cup of black chery pearl per qt. red crystal ice pearl in the mid coat. then 4 coats of clear
  13. there is a way to fix that, JUST DON'T MOW
  14. my truck is all chevy except for frame and body
  15. I hope the oil change is completed by now and the truck is at your house
  16. send me your email address and i will send you a picture of the handles also have the escutcheons for them.
  17. i have inside door handles that have been rechromed for a 48 to 50 truck
  18. this was at the show yesterday only old dodge out of 1500 cars
  19. you have done a great job on your truck it looks like it just came out of the factory
  20. got all of the rearend done today and the truck is on tires now on jack stands
  21. put all the polished alum on last night
  22. On my 48 b1b the buckets are steel but on my 49 parts truck they were aluminum I used the steel ones they are in good shape.
  23. nice job your truck looks nice. ? for you where did you get the one piece side glass?
  24. that is my chevy truck outside thanks guys for all the good feed back
  25. would look good trimmed up. make sure the center line of the grill is centered in the opening
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