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  • My Project Cars
    1939 plymouth deluxe
    1955 chevy truck


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  1. some one on ebay is selling x style control arms for '39-'40 cars. Pricey about $185 each side. I'm thinking of getting them because they look stronger that way. These cars are being driven at higher highway speeds and have more power these days.
  2. do any of you know if the '41 upper control arm swap will work on a '39? I would have to use the '39 upper inner mounting bar because it only has 2 mounting holes. I'm not a fan of the single sided outer mount plus the threaded part of the arm is a little loose on the bushing.
  3. I haven't decided how I want to set the pin in the sector shaft yet.
  4. To install the worm gear I started it with my press but didn't have a piece of pipe to install it all the way as previously mentioned so I tapped my shaft 1/2-20 and pushed it on with a nut.
  5. I took a chance and got a kit from dennis carpenter ford parts Part #: 78-3548-KIT. Everything fits except the bushings and top sector gasket. 1st - to get the upper worm race out I used a long 1/4" carriage bolt, fed the head down the hole where the steering tube goes and just caught the edge of the race with the head of the bolt and tapped it out. 2nd - to get the worm off I just pressed it. Alternatively you could just cut it along the length and whack it with a chisel.
  6. I'm working on this project myself on a 1939 plymouth p8. Hopefully adding my experience and $.02 will save somebody $$.
  7. when you swap the trans what are you guys doing for a parking brake since the original is on the transmission?
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