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    1951 dodge b3b 5 window pick up

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    I live in canada
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    North Vancouver BC
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  1. Thank you I wish I knew what it looked like before it went into the shop. I have that diagram from my parts book I don’t have that 3rd spring 407.5 and it doesn’t seem like the bolt would be long enough to accept it. I don’t have the spring extension I don’t have the guide for the top shoe adjustment. I don’t have the 1st bracket that holds the emergency brake cable after it comes from the handle. but the weird part is the 10.250 inch piece of linkage as in the diagram. I have a linkage that seams to be bolted together. Something went wrong years ago or the shop has a bunch of extra parts. thank you for your information.
  2. Thank you for all the info pictures and diagrams. All very helpful.
  3. I think it’s all original parts. The mechanism looks all good above the and pushes down properly. I’ve adjusted the ebrake band around the drum and it seems to be working properly. I just don’t like the way that 1st part of the linkage is working. I’ll fiddle with it and see if I can make it move better. thanks for all your help
  4. This bracket is the one that bumps into the bell housing
  5. Then it goes into the cable adjuster and hooks onto the linkage
  6. Ok correction the ebrake come out of the handle goes down the passenger side and through this bracket and clipped on the backside
  7. One more question. It looks to me that maybe they have the actual linkage in wrong. When the ebrake is applied the lower part of the linkage bumps up against (I think it’s the bell housing on the drivers side just ahead of the tranny) I think they may have the linkage in wrong. They have the cable running along the drivers side of the (bell housing). I seem to remember the cable came out of the handle and ran down the passenger side. Anything to show me proper ebrake cable set up and linkage set up. thanks
  8. The message you sent was great. It looks like I’m missing that smaller adjuster. The video was really helpful at the 29th minute. I’m kinda surprised the use the same set up on a 1951 as the 37 Plymouth. Thanks for the info
  9. I have a 1951 B3B truck with 3speed and fluid drive. I recently had some work done on the tranny. When I got the truck back my emergency brake didn’t seem to be set up correctly. The pictures in my shop manual are not good. I’m concerned I may be missing a part that allows to me adjust the top band. Does anyone have a clear picture of the band set up with springs and adjustment locations
  10. Hello just reading a convo re syncros that shared in 2022. I’m curious do you have a contact for obtaining usable syncros. I have a 1951 dodge B3B. 

    1. David A.

      David A.

      Hi, sorry I don’t have a contact. The ones I had I bought off eBay and wound up not needing them. Good luck in your search. 

    2. Dimmer


      Thanks sorry for the delay I was out of the country. 
      thanks for getting back to me 

    3. Dimmer


      I have looked and looked for those trans Syncros that you showed. That may be the last set out there. The fella you sold them to is a lucky guy. 

  11. Hi thanks for you help with my fluid drive input shaft. I think I found one thanks to one of the guys. You wouldn’t happen to have a input shaft retaining nut that threads onto the shaft would you. 


    1. Brent B3B

      Brent B3B

      Oh shoot, the one I have isn’t in very good shape. I exchanged it for the one that came off my transmission. If you haven’t already, I thought VPW (vintage power wagons) had them. 

    2. Dimmer


      Thank you.  I think i have one headed my way. 

  12. Update. I dont have the part in my hand yet but they had a brand new one in stock. That is amazing thank you so much for your help with that. Super excited. Do you think there is any stock rims out there. Thank you thank you thank you

    1. Dodgeb4ya


      Hey thanks!

      Glad to help out.

      As for rims....nope my buddy has had some of the 1/2 ton 15" rims in the past.

      Someone here might have some...maybe "ggdad" might be able to help.

  13. Yes that is the part number for the 3 speed fluid drive. If you are looking at the gear end approx 3/4 inch into the gear there is a hardened surface that has some wear from the roller bearings that ride in there. Is that what the bushings fix. If so what is AMS and do you know the part number
  14. Just as example My thoughtful girl friend bought me a beautiful set of hubcaps for Christmas. Turns out I’ve dont have stock rims on the truck. Where the heck do you get those. Ill check out CTC auto ranch
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