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55 Fargo

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Everything posted by 55 Fargo

  1. Looks great Pat, hopefully I can see your car and you can see mine someday..........Fred
  2. Thanx everyone for you comments, yes I have been busy, ask my wife, just not on things wives like us to be doin. The flipside is I am not at the casinos, bars, golfcourses, boys clubs, well not that those things are that bad. But fishin season is startin soon, and we have world class Channel Cats, 5 minutes from my front door.........Fred
  3. Thanx for the words of encouragement Bob...............Fred
  4. Hi all, making progress however slow it may appear.Got the roof and front clip primed. Next will be the doors, then rear quarters,rear fenders etc. I still need to do filer and high build primer and block sanding on top of this. Plan to have the rest of the car stripped and primed in acouple of weeks...........Fred
  5. Another thing I did today, after going to the parts store and feeling dsicouraged about finding any clips in Winnipeg, I decided to buy a little siphon sand blaster gun, I went home, filled the pail with sand, and hooked up the sand blaster to my compressor and I blasted all the clips I had , they are all shiny like new again, I will noly need to buy a few for the door trim, as they were delicate and broke after trying to remove them. So it looks like I can salvage the clips, will paint them before using..........Fred
  6. Thanx guys, wnet to a classic car supply place in Winnipeg. The guy gave me song and dance about who supplies clips, he said you can only buy from 2 manufacturers in The USA, that you could only get things in large quantity. This guy is so worng, I spoke wioth Restoration Specialties on the phone, he will sell me any quantiy I need.
  7. Hi all, can anyone recommend a supplier of molding trim clips for our old Mopars. I am looking for the belt line trim clips, nuts and bolts for body trim etc............Thanx Fred
  8. Larry, thats pretty dang cold, for this time of year, our normal highs here for this time of year are about 50 and lows about 25. Today it's supposed to go up to 30, went down to about 12 last night. There is a wicked north wind here, even getting me the Northerner cold, I've had enough of this $hit weather and longing for grass cutting on the riding mower, don't even feel like working on the car today and it's 60 in the garage with the heat on. Fred
  9. Tim, it was only about 15 here this morning, looking for a high of 30, clear and sunny, but a mother of a north wind.I am just finishing the prep on the front of the car, will primer tomorrow, I hope.........Fred
  10. Hey Dennis, the kids on Youtube were videoing there dragracing in Winnipeg Manitoba,on the main drag, Portage Avenue, which is about 4 to 5 lanes wide in each direction, they put it on Youtube, then got busted by the Winnipeg Police. You can run but can't hide on the web...........Fred
  11. Here is a pic I took last night, man has it been cold here the last 5 days, its clear sunny and cold right now, only going to be 28 today, last night it was down to 5. Kingsway 52 check your email.........Fred
  12. Here is a pic of a rad I have from a 1951 Canadian Dodge Coronet with a 218 Flathead 6 engine.
  13. The later rads 1950 and beyond, are a pressure type rad, as well the drain cocks and dimensions may be different.Fred
  14. I have a rad from a 1951 Canadian built Dodge, I will send you a PM on the details......Fred
  15. Here is what I did with sqaure tube steel, it worked out fine, I then capped it over with sheet metal to form the rocker. Standing outside the car, you would never know it was done like this, and it is very strong..........Fred
  16. The next 24 hours look miserable, up to an inch of snow3 possible, clear and cold after that........yuck, the VW is coming home soon
  17. larry it could be worse, the snow is pretty well all gone, but there is a thick cloud cover and it's only 42 here today, but it is still so at least it doesn't fell too bad. My son and I went for a short dirt bike ride today.......Fred
  18. Thanx Don, now if I am the type that changes the oil and filter often, is there an advantage to making this swap. My engine has got miles on her, how many I am not sure, it has 40 lbs of oil pressure at an idle when running at full temp,the compression when last checked was 100 to 110 on all cyls, with the exception of cyl # 5, it had 95 or so...........Fred
  19. Thanx Don, I happen to have a full flow on my parts engine, the one I sent you the dizzy from. Can a full flow be installed on an engine originally equipped with by-pass. If yes, is it a difficult swap......Thanx Fred
  20. Silly question, how do ya tell if you have the full flow or by-pass type filter. My engine is a 1951 Canadian built Dodge D 40 218 ci. Thanx Fred
  21. The snow in my yard is almost gone, but it will take a few weeks of nice weather for the grass to green up, the leave come out out most trees by May 1st. But every spring when the snow melts it's an ugly brown grass that pops out and all the winter kill is obvious. Funny thing I found a small live frog in the dogs water dish this morning,it was eating a spider. The darn flies are back, the geese, the hawks and crows, no Robins yet and no Hummingbirds and Gold Finches till May 1st, enough blather...........Fred
  22. Hi all, here is a pic of Larry aka (Knighthawks ranch), in Southeast Kansas. Apparently the weather has been mighty fine, up in the 70s, as the lilacs are in bloom, we won't have any bloomin lilacs till mid May. Man what I could accomplish with the weather that you folks down south get.............LOL Fred
  23. Hi all,what is the general concensus on using Marvel Mystery Oil in our old flatheads. I can get the product here in Manitoba, but it is going to have to be ordered in by special request by the local TrueValue store. Apparently it is not being aggressively marketed in this part of Canada. Is there any other product on the market that does the same things as Marvel. I would like to try the MM in my flatties oil and gas, as the engine runs fine, but did sit for 25 plus years before I awoke her in 2005............Thanx guys Fred
  24. Allan, is that a 218 or 230, do you happen to know how many bolt holes are on the crank. As you know I presently have a Canadian 218 in my Chrysler, if they have an 8 bolt crank, I may be able to bolt on my extra fluid drive and M5 trans, if I got the inclination.I also know where there is a good running 265, the owner wants me to find him some type of 4 cyl to trade for it, it's currently hooked up to a welder, it was originally from a combine...........Fred
  25. Finally found a number in this are on top of the hog head, it's a number 4, some number is after it, I am assuming the 4 is the first number as when I was looking from the back of the car, with a mirror, the point on the 4 is to the line in the center of this machined area, wish I didn't have a 4.10 or 4.30 in this car, not sure how it ever got in the car. Is there a sure fire method to check the diff ratio, by turning the back tire and counting the driveshaft revolutions. I do have another chrysler here that should have the 354 diff, will just switch the hog heads, if possible............Thanx Fred
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