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Everything posted by Rebar1968

  1. Hello and thanks in advance I'm looking to replace the rear brakes, 11" and the 4 wheel cylinders on my 1949 Fargo think its actually a 1950 FN1 I see a few options for wheel cylinders the style I have most say 12" shoes, but I have yet to see a 11" option, most fit the cars and the part number is a variance of 10580 and up for the 4 cylinders are these the proper ones, do they just fit the cars, or are all the ones with that body the same, has any one found any other resources for the 11" rear shoes being in Canada its like a 3rd goes for shipping and then duty so it get expensive, fast there is a fairly close place that still relines the shoes if the cylinders are the same as its a good dorman number any help would be greatly appreciated, on a real fixed budget to get this old boy to move and stop do not want to put the for sale sign in it
  2. hi just went through and read all 10 pages learned lots as I'm a newbie also,, I was just curious if theres a place to get the left hand lug bolts for my `1949 Fargo, I have 3 in total, also I know you can get all the brake parts less the drums, has any one fitted a different newer style 10x2 drum on these things and well not bolted it on like in that picture
  3. hi guys so my ground goes to the starter and power to the block if I'm reading this right ??
  4. good morning, so I'm trying to get mine 49 Fargo to go, parts came in a box, got it cranking, and now I also have spark, took the carb off as it was flooding all over to see there was no needle in it , but I had the wrong kit so I tried to just get it usable to atleast fire, but no luck, I bumped the engine over till I got compression on the number 1 cyl and my rotor is pointing in the 7 oclock area, so just to eliminate things this should be a good timing for it to run ,, I was tiying to get it to go with some gas in the carb but batter died will try again today just trying to make sure I'm getting things in the right order, they seem pretty basic fuel and spark it should go right I know its making some popping from the open exhaust manifold but it think its just normal noises...
  5. thanks for all the great info I'm just jumping into my truck to try to get it going as I just picked it up last weekend, so far got fuel at carb, compression, but no spark, just finally got a dist cap last night from rock auto, but no spark so I'm running through the steps, I did the check on the coil for resistance, and I got 2.1 on the terminals, then I got 6.96 on the secondary, from what I read this is not a good coil, I then also have tried to crank with the test light on the neg coil terminal, and my understanding is as cranking this should flash, it doesn't so I should be looking into the points and dist also just wondering if I'm following the right steps, I know I won't get a 6 volt coil today but if I get a 12 volt should it atleast get me in the game so I can play with it more over the weekend thanks in advance Gino
  6. excellent much appreciated
  7. hi how much are the decals, and how do you get them please ,, Fargo Newbie Here
  8. just got my 49 Fargo from Manitoba, I'm near Niagara Falls, going to be pulling the brakes apart and replacing things very soon
  9. were you able to locate a new tank or did you have to go used, mine is out now but is also finished, nothing left of the sender in the tank either,, I may try to get a southern one shipped to me , see whats available and the prices
  10. I Read on a different post about decoding a SN, well it turns out mines a 1950, according to the vin I have not received the ownership to see what it states, but in the 1950 listing I do see the IAT Dist.. did manage to get it cranked over some more, oil pressure at the guage, and was trying to prime the carb, and could not get it to flow, I stuck a hose in a gas can and it was good, so I back tracked and this was the fitting out of the tank and a good 10 inches in the tank as I was shoving a coat hanger in there ,, still no fuel coming out of the tank looks like I will address that later once I know it will run
  11. thank you for all the great info I really appreciate it I was looking up my Model and its FNI-08, so John as long as I order the stuff for the IAT Dist it should all work, AL 138 is what I found also , just seems like its harder to find here in my area in Ontario, but I will just order it from rock auto and then its done thanks again
  12. so I cleaned the distributor and got the number its a IAT 4004A , But when I look up the cap it says it doesn't fit I tried a couple years before and after showing the IAT but still says it does not fit ,,maybe the dist has been changed doesn't look like it I have a parts guy on it now hoping to fine something I don't have one to even just screw around with trying
  13. thanks for the replies will pull the plugs tomorrow and then on to the fuel and ignition, once I get it fired and it seems to run ok I will move on to the larger repairs
  14. Rebar1968


    From the album: Rebar1968

  15. Rebar1968


    From the album: Rebar1968

  16. Hello I Am Brand New To The Site And My 1949 Fargo that I Picked u just earlier today,,, it was not running but was told it turned over by hand, as the person I got it from had no history on it just a buy and flip guy... so after finally getting it into my garage, and empting all the old and extra stuff from it I decided to tackle the task of getting it going, when I picked it up I seen the carb was off and no dist cap so and looks like the original owner was removing the hood and rad for some reason .. so before i got to involved I wanted to get it to crank .. now I used a 12 volt battery and after a bit of wiggling and wife stepping on the starter rod she cranked over and I think at a good time as it shot a bit of old rain water out of the carb hole.. now heres where I as the questions I'm sure we all have can I use the 12 volt battery with out hurting the truck, as I believer its 6 volt from the factory, can I just add a ballast resistor to the coil do I need to just get a 6 volt battery, I and trying to get it to run before investing to much money incase theres a problem I am not planning on doing much to it other then the needed make it safe stuff, and leave it just ugly and old to putt around in I would love t make a crazy rat rod but in good with leaving her as is.. and info would be helpful on this truck I have googled stuff and find more pics then info thanks in advance for any info or direction to making this bad boy run, I know I will be reaching out more as the shifter pedal doesn't move and theres no brake pressure but running is the first thing on the plate Gino
  17. hi I would like to going the forum, I just picked up my 1949 Fargo today and would love to learn all the tricks and share when I can also
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