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Everything posted by FlashBuddy

  1. Huh? I don't think it was a suggested solution for disposing of used oil, more of a look back. But who would pour in into a hole when it can be poured along your house's perimeter to help with weed abatement. Or one could do the more popular method of taking it to an auto parts store and using their free oil recycling service.
  2. Makes perfect sense.
  3. Very cool, thanks for sharing
  4. A well deserved recognition.
  5. Nice Schwinn. Love the patina (aka rust) ? AFAIK Santa Cruz is famous for woodies. There is the Santa Cruz chapter of the National Woodies Club, the annual Woodies on the Wharf held in July, Woodies on the Beach (also in July), Woodies Cafe, and there is a man named Woody who has lived there all his life! Thanks for sharing and love the two classics juxtaposed.
  6. Would that be the pedal shaft rubbing the floor board? That's where mine was coming from. A spray of silly cone fixed that. I was thinking of gluing onto the floor board opening some thick felt.
  7. Love that shiny black. Nice paint job.
  8. Hey Mertz, I think your doing on hellofajob! Every day I'm becoming more and more of a fan of black.
  9. Thanks Larr991, now I see where my cab light goes!
  10. Oooooh, long time no edit. Fast forward to January 2023! Got the rust off. All new glass. Repainted the interior the original gray. Laid down foam backed aluminum insulation. Installed new headliner and kick panels that I purchased from Vic's Dodge Garage; before he retired. Put in the new floormat I had previously scored. Reupholstered the interior. Found a Mopar radio in the junk yard and with the help of a friend rebuilt it; new tubes etc. It actually works! While I love the "patina", I'm giving some serious thought to re-doing the bed and painting her black. This will have to wait since I'm currently traveling the country via RV and Roxanne is in storage.
  11. Wow, more photos? Would love a tour of the cab.
  12. Wow, that's pretty sweet. I'm sure you'll enjoy that for a long long time.
  13. Yeah, certainly respectable, but this forum is about trucks -OK? ?
  14. The perfect tow vehicle. No door sticker to confuse the driver about what he can or cannot haul!
  15. Dottie looks to have some real potential. Would you mind taking a close up of the spare tire holder? I haven't seen one like that before. That can't be original, can it? Did they move the spare from under the bed after 1950?
  16. Awwww, dangit. I can't find that receipt. I remember Vic sent me a list of shippers and their costs then let me pick one. Give Vic a call. He's a chatty helpful fellow. Phone: (541) 231-2237 Email: email:info@vicsdodgegarage.com
  17. Yes I did! Months later I went back to purchase a few more and the nut and bolt isle expert just gave me a blank stare. Go figure?!
  18. OMG Color me jealous!
  19. Junkyard, but not the one near Fort Collins 'cause I got 'em all Try Vic's Dode Garage, but hurry. He goes on vacation Sept. 6 https://vicsdodgegarage.com/product/window-run-clips-set/
  20. Springy steel clips, four or so of them slot to the window channel and then pinch the channel seal.
  21. Yeah, he's quite chatty on the phone, which I appreciate. I also like how he has pretty good photos of what he has available. He'll run out into the yard to confirm parts. He informed me the screws I had for the door panel inspection plate was not correct and would help me out with the right ones.
  22. I sent Vic an email too. I bought my interior kit from him about a year ago and just now am getting to the point I can get it installed.
  23. Thanks. I just sent them an email.
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