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    Cars, sports, spending time with the family
  • My Project Cars
    1949 plymouth special deluxe <br />
    67 camaro

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  • Biography
    Im building this car foe my wife. I have a 67 Camaro.
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    sports, cars, cigars

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  1. DJ194950 where at in ca is the local shop for the radiator to get build at. I'm in norcal.
  2. I have a 49 plymouth Special deluxe. I kept the original drum back brakes. I just went to a local clutch and brake place. They were able to turn the drums and build the shoes to each drum. That could be a option for you.
  3. I am working on my 49 plymouth special deluxe. i just ordered engine mounts for it has my freshly rebuilt engine is getting delivered this week. I did not take many pics before I took it apart. Like a dumbass i throw the bolts away cause I was just going to buy new ones. So a few questions for people. My motor mount look just like those, do I need a lower? If so where is it located at? What size are the bolts so I can go get them. Thanks Dave
  4. I am missing a couple of sleeves. So we are doing exactly what you said. We are going to get the sleeves and washers from the hardware store and tack them together. Where are you getting all of the rubber stuff from?
  5. I bought the rubber body mounts. They do not come with the metal inserts, but i have the original ones. they seem like they do not fit in them. I was just going to put the bolt through the rubber mounts into the body. What do you think? I have some rusted floor pans. where do you recommend to get them from?
  6. i purchased some for a 1949 plymouth special deluxe from robertsmotorparts do you happen to know what size the bolts are. mine were striped or broken Thanks dave
  7. Did you use the same bolt size to mount the body? if so do you happen to know the size? thanks Dave
  8. thanks
  9. I have a 1949 plymouth special deluxe. Where can I find the rubber body mounts to set the body back on the frame? Thanks Dave
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