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Chapter Two - being a truck owner has changed

I used to worry about big things. Can I really do a McArthur on the frame and survive. Will the gas tank fit. Does anything forward of the spliced midsection of the frame actually work. Will the DMV let me drive it. Can I afford to keep doing this.

Now I think about little things. Ignition switches with real Dodge keys. Blinkers signaling inside the cab. That paint chip on the tailgate. How to keep the smell of gas out of the uninsulated cab. How I will sound proof. If I should redo the doors and windows myself or farm it out before I break the rattling glass. How to deal with dim bulbs (thanks Plymothy, I'll try that). Is the gas tank empty yet. Should I hook up those heater controls. Where do I get mirrors from. How can I make a monthly budget to keep it going.

That's right, now I'm driving it. Any time I have an excuse. They are short trips. Less than10 miles. But it is out there. People point. I get thumbs up. I am now the the guy waving back. I've taken it to a car show as a participant. People ask questions. I show pictures to anyone foolish enough to listen - like a Dad with a new born child. I talk their ears off. I'm passionate and knowledgeable about it.

I used to be a guy who wanted a truck. Now I am an owner of a running truck. It's different. I am very excited by it. Not sure what it means.

I think it's a journey.

First Car Show - done done

Thank you Mr. Hemingway


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That is a nice looking truck. Ever notice that people do not see the little things that seem to irritate us? If it runs down the road with the traffic, to the average bear, that's fantastic.

We need to take our trucks to Yosemite after the BBQ, stay a night then head home. Looking forward to ''journeying" with you to Tims. With Mark Hayward's coupe riding shotgun, we'll have quite a convoy. Others from the south are invited to join up with us.

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Merle Coggins


Now the real fun begins. I love getting the 'thumbs up' and waves from other motorists while cruising around in my truck. I also enjoy seeing people check out the truck as I come out of a store. And of course the chats with folk at gas stations and such.


Enjoy it.



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Lol....way to go my friend!!!! Got yerself a reel dad bern truck there!!! :D



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congrats. I a bunch of things I have a bunch of things I WANT to do to my car but haven't had time. Thankfully my car was a driver when I bought it. Great job.

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