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AoK George Asche Jr Ltd Edition Intake - now available!

Finally the AoK George Asche Jr Ltd Edition Intake for the all  23 1/2" USA flathead Mopar engines has been completed and is in production.

The pictures below has prototype linkage for the 1933-1938 Cars and all trucks and power wagons.

You may notice that the left carb linkage bar has been cut short, and is not hooked to the left carb. That is strictly for prototype purposes and the production versions have a longer bar  That allows for a linkage bar to come down from each carb to the common rail. It does shows how the serial number and linkage block provides the spot for stock linkage components to be mounted and then integrated with the new AoK linkages. That is critical for the earlier cars and trucks. You will notice for this version we are using the outside "wings"  for  linkage mounts.

For newer cars where we want the linkage rail mounted on the inside, there are inside  "wings"  that are drilled and the rail is then on the inside wings. The outside block will then just be the serial number plate. Early cars and trucks are different in that they are on the outboard side of the intake, but they also have different connection points for the carbs to the common rail  as compared to later model cars..

George has the linkage working perfectly for the several different applications.  If you are going to be using this on the truck or older car you would just use your stock brackets and the AoK linkage will just integrate with it, to give you the desired upgrade from the single to dual carbs. Oh yes, and hot debate on the name.. Our original intent was to have the writing read from the passenger side although you may notice it was reversed to be read from the other side.  In the production version, we have got the writing of "AoK George Asche Jr Ltd Ed" turned around and in a different font than the prototype.

There were a couple of minor changes to the prototype, including making the outboard linkage mounting block slightly bigger, changing the name and a couple of internal items.   Today the 1st batch of production intakes are being poured. That process will continue for the balance of the week, they are heat treated and shipped to us.  We need to have the casted intakes machined, tapped and threaded which should see the 1st intakes ready to ship in the next 4-6 weeks.

* Dec 3rd note: That casting turned out to be 1 being cast with the slight change talked about above. That one was heat treated and shipped to us. We called back and said why did you just ship us only 1.  The reply, they wanted to be really sure it was correct. They were given the go to cast a production run and more of our Big Block Triples which have been sold out for months. They have no been all cast and are off for heat treating on Monday.


The intake has been a long time coming, even more so given the prototype was completed almost a year and a half ago.

Now -   down to the brass tacks as my Grandfather would have said -   Cost !

Feb 8 2017

Were committed to the pricing for the 1st shipment as we feel customers have waited a long time patiently for the product and that was our original    We will be  repricing them upwards slightly as the development cost and the casting price has escalated well beyond where the estimates were when we started. Just the casting price is up 73%  which is an increase in the price of the aluminum.

For linkage, if customers want us to make them linkage, it will start at $150 and really depends on what linkage is required.   By that I mean if a customer needs linkage for a 1933 Desoto, and if they don't have the linkage block tab, we can get that piece and will sell it at our cost, but it is a relatively expensive part.  If the customer has theirs and most do, then we will clean theirs up and paint it for them at no extra cost. If its linkage for a  1946-48 Plymouth, then it is very straight forward.

Built carter ball and ball carbs are  $195.00 each and  the will be Siamese twins, meaning they will be exactly the same in their venture, throttle bore sizing and jetting, with all new kits in them and if a customer buys the entire package, George will mount the carbs, linkage, adjust everything and the customer wont have to pay anything extra for that or the carb gaskets.  * Note if you already ordered your intake with carbs, the price quoted you is still in effect, even though the cost of full rebuild kits just went up significantly.

Shipping is extra and is at cost, or the customer can use their shipping preference  and if they have an account utilize that.  We don't charge for packing or handling.

Our address is   George Asche/Tim Kingsbury 1693 fertigs Road,  Fertigs, PA 16364     

I can be reached directly at Fargopickupking@yahoo.com  and we will accept
paypal if it is send via family and friends so were not paying the paypal fee as there
is literally no margin on these 1st batch of intakes.  We will also accept a cheque,  money order or if your
driving by,  cash!


A few notes:

1) We will also be receiving a small number of the AoK triple intakes for the Canadian 25 1/2" big blocks. They have been sold out for over a year now so if you were looking for one of those we  will be able to ship finished triples by year end.  .

2)  Headers made from OEM exhaust manifolds are available for both the USA small blocks and the Canadian big blocks. The last picture is  from my 1949 Plymouth Business coupe which has a Canadian 265 ci motor in it and the AoK Triple. Its the same basic look for either the 23 1/2" small block or 25 1/2" big blocks.

3)  We now have a source for reproduction GMC (not the Chevy versions with major air restrictions).  You can get replacement air filters for them and they are available in Chrome tops or  Black. The Black versions are $125.00 and Chrome ones are $138.00. You can  see them here in a video posted by Fred Buhay.

4) The Big Note to be aware of:  We expect to be able to ship finished intakes early next week, but there is not some big pile of built carbs or linkage sets made up and ready to ship and George hand makes every piece of linkage and rebuilds every carb completely from top to bottom.   So if your looking for linkage or carbs or both, on top of an intake, get your order in early as I expect to see a big back log in short order.  To date we have note taken orders or money, but have put people on a waiting list.  Everyone on that waiting list were alerted 48 hours ago and right now 1/2 of the 1st production run has been spoken for.   There is no fear that we will be unable to get people intakes, but the question of when we can supply is potentially a question.

Finally if you would like us to call you and answer questions about either intake, we are happy to. Just drop me an email to fargopickupking@yahoo.com  with your phone number and when is a good time to contact you and George or I will give you a call.

















below is the AoK triple on my 1949 Plymouth Business Coupe.



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Posted (edited)

Howdy folks -  

We truly are humbled by the positive response we have received on the new AoK intake.  At this moment, a week in 1/2 of the 1st production run has been spoken for in the limited edition serial number edition.  If you want one for under the Christmas tree as a gift for your car or truck, lol,   you may wish to drop me a note and reserve one for you.

After this 1st wave have been sold, it will not be until at least spring before we can get more cast.  Sorry, but with the casting supplier just getting back into production after a big layoff with the passing of his wife, we had a pretty small casting time slot and we ordered what we thought the demand would be. It is possible we misjudged that. We also can not guarantee costing beyond this 1st wave and yes we do realize the cost to produce them may dictate whether we continue to produce them.   In which case they truly will be a limited production.!

Tim & George


Edited by timkingsbury
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Posted (edited)

Dec 3rd -     The casting of intakes were completed yesterday. They will go out for heat treating Monday, then will be boxed up and shipped to us. At that point we need to machine them, tap and thread them and they will be ready to ship.  Obviously for those wanting linkage that will be made on a custom basis to meet specific customers needs!

At this moment there of this production run, there are 2 of the AoK triples coming that are not spoken for,  and there are 6 of the new AoK dual intakes not spoken for.  Triples are $495 and Duals are $425 plus shipping


Tim & George

Edited by timkingsbury
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Congratulations Tim and George in finally getting to the finish line on this project.     I want one of each with carbs and linkage and even if I have to put them on the book shelf and enjoy them as art for a while I don't care. These are nothing buy Jewelry in my mind.  Love the look.   

Thanks for everything you guys have done for the hobby. I truly wish I had found you guys about 30 years ago. It would have changed the direction on a lot of projects.

I will say publically how impressed I am that you have taken the time to pick up the phone on your dime,  call me and discuss my projects without hesitation. With there being nothing I was buying from you, just looking for information, it was truly amazing to have you spend a couple of hours on the phone to help.  The result solved several problems and saved me a lot of money.      I also had the pleasure to talk to George on the phone, again for a couple of hours. The man is truly a living legend and I was blown away by his willingness to share information and secrets.  In a world where you cant even get basic information on things like cams I was totally amazed he rattled off the entire specs of a cam to me and then offered to have Tim send me the information on every cam they have via email.

I don't feel it is my place to disclose what both George and yourself told me about the trials and tribulations of getting the AoK intakes to completion  however would like to say how fortunate we are as the vintage Plymouth, Chrysler, Desoto, Dodge community to have you guys complete these. You guys truly are putting your money where your mouth is as my wife would say!

If I could make a suggestion for a topic for your blog it would be to try and tell us why a high-tech guy like yourself, who is clearly at the cutting edge of the computer industry to spend time on old flathead Mopars. For George and your Dad and family I completely understand as that is the world they grew up in, but with yourself the last flathead had been cast I think, before you were even born  I think it would just be fascinating. 

All the best to the AoK boys and the blog followers, for the season.




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Hi Tim -     If there are any of the small block intakes left I would like 1 with the rails on the inside for my 48 Plymouth and I with the rails on the outside for my 1934 Plymouth Pickup. If I can get linkage and carbs for both that would be awesome.    Whatever you and George think for carbs works for me. 




All I can say boys is.....    Yah Baby  #43 has been shipped !  Got that update right from the horses mouth (as they say) ...   I think I am more likely to say -  Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!        Yes Ladies and Gentleman I have won the lottery and have a new Aok intake and linkage on its way. I am so excited.

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Posted (edited)

7 minutes ago, Plymouth#43 said:

All I can say boys is.....    Yah Baby  #43 has been shipped !  Got that update right from the horses mouth (as they say) ...   I think I am more likely to say -  Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!        Yes Ladies and Gentleman I have won the lottery and have a new Aok intake and linkage on its way. I am so excited.

Lol.. I can not confirm or deny that rumor, other than to say  for George and I, a betting man would bet for us, it would be Ladies 1st!  #BarbhasnewJewelryOnItsWay

I can confirm that #42 which as the historical types will know was  a 1949 Plymouth driven by Lee Petty has been spoken for in the AoK small block dual carb intakes, as are quite a few numbers, and looking at that list #43 does indeed appear to be spoken for.  Ummm.... very interesting... lol

Edited by timkingsbury
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Tim -  as I said in the chat room, if you haven't sold out I want an AoK dual intake, headers, linkage and carbs. I will send cores there is no problem there.  I noticed the carbs are now $195 and I realize the price I paid George and yourself 20 years ago at Chrysler Carlisle was overdue.  On behalf of many, thank you AoK boys for continuing to design and make performance parts for Desoto's, Chrysler, Plymouth and Dodge's !

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I will be Looking for a Triple for the 265 Very Shortly along with a Cam for same.


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