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Hi all,

this evening I was out cruising :cool: , been doing that a lot lately, put on over 500 :eek: miles on the odometer of the 47 in the last few weeks.

Anyway, I am driving down Hwy 9, its a single lane old highway with a speed limit of 100kmh or 62 mph, I was doing about 55 mph, as I was getting near my road to turn off, I notice a number of cars behind me, I decide to pull onto the shoulder and let them pass, I pullover, the cars are passing, then I notice a white 64 Impala SS convertable:D , he immediately pulls over, he and his wife and daughter were cruising and just wanted to see if all was well:eek: with me.

We shoot the breeze for a few minutes, he is the President of a local car club, " Lilypad cruisers" out of Petersfield Mb. He invites me to the Selkirk A & W, they all meet there on Wednesdays nights in summer, Selkirk is only 5 minutes away so I join them and a few others.

Swell group of guys, also got invited to join the club, and was also invited to there show and shine this Saturday. I hope to go, and hopefully the weather will be nice.

Just goes to show, us :D old car guys are a great bunch...........Fred


Nice story, Fred. I used to belong to a club back in the 70s.....it is still

together, but I just haven't had the inclination to re-join. They are all

nice folks. Join in some of the events and have some old car fun.


I have met a few of these guys before, never joined there club not sure if I will or not. Funny thing is, I feel I know you guys a whole lot better, guess that happens after being a regular on here for 3 years, have got a lot of help, laughs and guidance from you guys on this forum..........Fred


Have to agree with David. As one who posts far more than my fair share of Off Topic items (with far less flack than is probably deserved), I would think that describing the sharing of a passion for old cars is about as On Topic for this forum as is possible.

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