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Hey all. Finally figured out how to post. My first car, over 50 years ago was a 48 Plymouth Club Coupe. I paid $35 for it and drove it till I went in the service. Recently purchased a decent 48CC and have began the process of restoring. Had a rodent infestation problem and am still fighting the remenants of odor. Have a problem with the master cyl, I guess the previous owner did not know how to adjust the plunger, and the brake fluid will not release and gradually we lock up the brakes...Can't tell you how good it feels too remember....BTW, whjere is the best place to purchase carpet???


Your brake problem could be a simple as a blocked relief hole in the bottom of the MC reservior. Remove the cap, and shine a flash light into the MC. You should be able to see two holes in the bottom of the reservior. One feeds the piston, the other, allows the fluid to return to the MC as teh pedal is released. If you don't see both, you can use a piece of mechanics wire to locate and clear the holes. The other possibilty is the rubber hoses at the wheels have deteriorated on the inside. This will allow pressure from the MC to pass though to apply the brakes, but the retrun springs will not generate enough force to return the fluid through the restricted hose.

As I have a Deluxe, I have no need to source carpet. I think if you use the search feature, and carpet as the key word you may find some recent posts regarding other's experiences.

Welcome to the group, enjoy your car.


Greg, Already cleaned out the port. BTW, first indication of a problem was brake light staying on. Got it cleared, and adjusted plunger. Need to revisit brake adjustments... Thanks much!!


The hydraulic brake switch itself can also be a restriction point. Most Harley/bike or Quad runner places will have new ones in stock as they still use them.

Also couldn't hurt to check the MC again for more debris in the return. I had to do mine two or three time when I first got back on the road.

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