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Hi all, I have re-wired my 47 Chrysler, but on the map light dome light circuit, I may have screwed up.

The dome light comes on when the passenger door opens, the map light does too, is this correct.

When I turn on the pillar switch drivers side, the dome light and map light also go on together is this correct?

The map light switch under the dash on the drivers side also turns the map and dome lights on, I think this must be wrong, as it should only turn on the map light from this switch.

I do have the schematics, but it looks like how I have it wired already, so I do not need a pic of that, just want to know how they work in cars, that are wired correctly.......................Thanx Fred


Fred, I believe the light under the dash on the driver's side is a flashing indicator that should only come on when the handbrake is on. That is the way that it works on the '47 Chrysler amublance I am helping to restore and that is how it came from the factory.


Seems to me that in some late model cars, both the dome light and some

light on or under the dash comes on as courtesy lights. So it might be

a workable deal......

Where is the "map light" in your car???

I recall people talking about the emergency brake warning flasher using

a light on the dash. So, maybe Robert is correct.



The map light is supposed to come on when you open the door or turn on the dome light. Mine does the same thing. I also have a switch on the map light under the dash. That just controls the map light though. You can either turn it off so it doesn't come on when the door opens, turn it on by itself with the switch or set it so it goes on and off with the dome light. However, the switch under the dash for my map light is also part of the map light. My map light is on the passengers side of the car, not the drivers side.

That said, I also have a toggle switch under the dash on the drivers side. That has nothing to do with the dome or map lights though. All that does is turn the dash instrument lights on and off.


Robert the left side light is wired and flashes if the ebrake is on, that part is correct on mine, I had to wire that one and figure it out from scratch.

I am talking about the right side map light, the switch is under dash for this light, on the drivers side..........Fred


Hi Norm, my map and dome lights work as you have described, I have a switch under dash drivers side just for the map/courtesy light that is under dash on the right side. The left light under dash flashes when the ebrake is on, that circuit is wired through the signal flasher.

I thought I had it wired incorrectly, sounds like I have it right, as you and others have described...........Fred ps my instrument panel lights come on with a switch beside the light switch on the dash with the rest of the switches, this was also wired wrong at one time, it was wired with the main light switch, I have since changed this when rewiring the car.



You may not find the wiring diagram info in the book for the ebrake signal or map light. Both of those were official Mopar "Options" that were usually added on by the dealer, not at the factory. So........the wiring diagram for those would have probably come with the option or in a separate book on options. I had the ebrake light on my coupe when I bought it too. Took it off and sold it though a long time ago because I didn't like the looks of it hanging under the dash.


Norm, all is working well, just thought I had wired something wrong, the ebrake shares the same flasher as the signals for the car, you cannot see mine at all, it is mounted in the dash.............Fred

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