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48 Dodge Bypass Oil filter Measurements

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Got to feeling better so I went outside and measured the filter and canister for my 48 Dodge. Impact wrench saved the day again getting the nut to come off..

This isn't to discuss bypass vs full flow filters. Just to show what I measured for mine in case it helps others.


Filter was a metal can perforated with holes. No brand name or number.

3.8" wide.  4.09" rim to rim length.  4.23" length from gasket to gasket in middle.

The gasketed hole in the top was .59" (wallowed out) that fit on the canister shaft that measured .567" at the top end.

Couldn't get to the plate at the end of the shaft on the bottom, but the print it made on the filter bottom gasket -> inner hole .68" w, outer rim imprint 1.0" diameter.


The outer gasket for the canister was rubber, .07" thick and .4" wide.  On the canister top lid the gasket had a .25" wide surface that it could sit flat on. 

But the top of the can that the lid fit on had a flat surface of only .143" for the gasket to sit on.   The lid (where the gasket fit) was 4.68" wide (about 4 11/16). 


The canister width is 4.2" wide near the top.   Don't think it would be good for the filter to be much bigger than 3.8" w, because oil would have to have some room to spread around the outside of the filter as it came in the side inlet.  The filter didn't look like it could be much longer than what I measured. The rim edge was getting close to the canister edge. Maybe .1-.2 more but that would be cutting it close. The plate on the lid is spring loaded and goes up and down about 1/4" without pushing the nut up off the top.


One thing about the filter at the top. Some have mentioned that the top gasket hole would have to fit tight on the shaft. I don't think so.

The upper spring plate on the lid, that presses on the filter gasket at the top has a 1.0" hole in the middle, and the plate is 1.49" diameter (wide). The top filter gasket is wider.  You could use a filter with up to a 1.0" hole in the top with a wide gasket.  BUT, you'd have a harder time keeping the filter centered in the canister (oil needs to flow around the filter as it also passes thru to the center, where it goes out the bottom).


 Looks like the filter has to be sealed at top and bottom (the gaskets), and oil passes from outside the filter to the center. Has a hole at the top of the shaft in the middle. Reckon oil goes into this out the bottom?










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