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I have an OE aluminum head for my 25-inch engine. It has no spot for the normal linkage pivot for the carburetor.

This most have been firewall mounted like most of the truck. Are the other linkage setups that look like OE, I am not that aware of other setups?


when you state OE are you refering to an Original MoPAr 25 inch head? If so then there should be a point that the linkage will bolt upto the head.  i doubt that mother MoPAr would have designed an aluminum head with out the proper connection points.


Canyou post some pictures of your OE aluminum head so we can look at it I know that onthe cast heads there was a pivot bolt that was around the 3-4 sparkplug area that had the acceleator linkage. Is this the area that is missing on your OE Al head?


Rich Hartung


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