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Finally installing a spare tire/carrier in my 52 B3B, have a carrier that I got off Ebay that I cleaned-up and repainted also have new mounting hardware from DCM.  Looking over this project I see 2 groups of 4 holes each in the major frame crossmember that line-up with where the tire will contact this member, wondering what goes in these holes?  Maybe some sort of bumpers?   Thanks


If you're talkin'bout the holes that a 3/8" bolt can fit into, that's on the 1/2 ton frames for the '48, '51, '52 and '53...the 1-ton frames have a different configuration.  Not sure what their purpose is...but the parts manual mentions a spare tire carrier lock, not sure what that looks like either.  On the '51 1-ton, that truck spare has several pieces of rusty baling wire strapping the rim to the frame crossmember above it, apparently to keep it from bouncing out of the carrier...maybe them holes are there to secure the tire assembly, maybe they are there for weight reduction, but as far as I know, the inflated tire sidewalls should contact the frame and spare tire carrier, and the rim only contacts the corresponding brackets on the carrier.


JBNeal thanks for the response, finished the installation over the rainy Memday weekend, looks good plus now I do have a spare tire available if...

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