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Can you replace a 259 poly v8 in 1955 with h a 315poly from a 57 dodge truck?

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Posted (edited)

I’m still making some progress with my 55 project truck. I’ve had a blast this winter welding in patches in my bed sides, milling oak boards for the bed floor, and I’ve even tried my luck at painting both the bed sides. I wasn’t  too happy with my paint job- seemed too grainy and not as smooth as glass. I need to research where I went wrong?


The original 259 engine remains froze up after sitting for several months with different fluids in the cylinders. It looks like rebuild parts are expensive and my neighbor (who is a much better wrencher than I) thinks we should go with a different engine. I saw where a 318 from a 57 dodge truck is for sale. My question to you experienced guys is if this would be an easy engine swap? My truck is a 3speed on the column, and the 315 with a 4 speed manual transmission?


thank you and I sure enjoy reading everyone’s question and answers on this forum




Edited by Rjpond
Wrong motor size

So is it a 315 or 318? The 315 poly or hemi will bolt in place of your 259 and would be a nice upgrade. You could keep your column shift r speed and bell housing too. 

If it's a 318, I am not sure. Hopefully somebody else knows about that engine.


Yes, I made the mistake of originally typing 318, but the correct size of the replacement engine that I’m looking at is a 315 poly. Thanks for your reply, it sounds like a workable option. I have recently learned that the 315 was also froze up. Engine runs now, but the seller recommends a rebuild. Maybe I’m back to square one?

thanks again for answering my question 


If it's a runner, swap it in and run it! Start putting together a rebuild fund for the future.

Once you open up the 259 or the 315, they can be fairly expensive to rebuild depending the condition of the pistons, crank and cam. The 315 pistons are the only thing reproduced, but in a miserable 7.0:1 configuration from Egge. I had 9.5:1 pistons made for my 325 and had the cam reground. 


All of the pre-62 v-8,   Hemi, Poly, and 'A' series,  are a direct swap in terms of the transmission/bellhousing.  

Rebuild parts are available but a bit expensive.

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