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Lotsa things have been happening recently, went to my neices wedding where my daughters were flower girls...., had tooth pulled.... on the same day as a major interview at a foundry... I already passed the psychometric tests and had one interview, with probably another to come.....I could be moving in the next little while..... the car has taken a back burner for now.... but if I move and get the house I'm interested in..... yippee a 24 x 54 garage......




Allan, cute kids, looks like they are enjoying the moment, or were you telling them to say "cheese" and they noticed you had a missing tooth and smiled.

Hope you get the new digs, in this game you reallly need a shop to do these restos. can relate to not getting much done lately. Hope to see some progress pics of your car soon............Fred


The tooth was done a week after the wedding..... I spent the whole wedding etc in pain due to the tooth, couldn't get an appointment until the tuesday a week and a half later..... good ol ibuprophin took care of most of the pain....



Glad to hear you are alive and now well. 800mg ibuprofen every 8 hours is a good remedy for tooth pain. Better than most narcotic pain relievers. For a "hot" tooth, one that the root area has become infected and producing gas that produces pain use ice pack. So what is this psychometric test ? It sounds harder than Chinese 'rithmatic. Frank


Its a few hours away at a foundry that was built in the 1920's.... the biggest recyclying plant in the country, and a foundry that takes in ore from 18 countries...... used to be Noranda, then Falconbridge, now Xstrata Copper.


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