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Source for Small Genny Pulley??

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Hi, does anyone know where I may be able to get a small( narrow) belt pulley for a 6 volt Mopar genny. the on I have in my car now is the large type, but the damper and fan pulleys are narrower type. the belt keeps falling off now and is turning itself inside out.............Thanx Fred



If all else fails, Shel could pull the whole generator and ship it to you complete. Then you can take your time getting the pulley off. Of course, the shipping cost would be much higher, but might be worth it. Would have to be easier to pull that off at home than in the junk yard.


Hold off just A bit Shel, going to a local antique yard this coming week, owner says he has these gens............Fred


Be VERY selective on what pully you take ownership of. IF you can feel wear on the sides of the pully,,,besides polished surface where it runs,,pass and find a non groved one. As you are probably aware of,the belt rides on the sides of the pully,,,ANY wear there lets the belt slip further down into the groove and the sides NOT to grip enough,,,ensuring premature belt failure!! Then the top wears faster,lets it bottom on the pully and whamo,its gone if the top part didnt already disintegrate!! IF the top cover is ripped off an old belt,,,chances are you have one or more pullys too far grooved!!

Buying used is prudent,,,buying used junk is not so good!!


I may end up going with a GM single wire alt, a local place makes them into 6 volt pos grnd for around a $100.00.


Fred, what yard are you going to? A friend of mine gave me a DVD of a yard in Manitoba that I think is in or near a town called Altamont. Are you familiar with this one? This yard certainly has a lot of stuff. I think there is another one near Minnedosa. Keep an eye out for Dodge D25 or P15s. Brendan.


Brendan, It is Bill Harrison's yard in Altamont, it's called Vavoom Auto Parts, by appt only. Not sure of the Minnedosa yard, but there are 2 near me, one has more model Ts, even a 1912 Model T Cabriolet, in complete shape, but needs to be restored, he want's $5000 for it,and oddball stuff than I have ever seen before. What are you looking for, I have a godd supllier locally for NOS Mopar parts. I also know where a 1948 D25 is for sale, it's in decnt shape, sftied, new interior, Coker WW tires, real nice driver, owner is asking $5000.00, its a 4 door.............Fred


Yes Fred, that is the yard I have the DVD of. I noticed there is a D25 there with what looks like a good grille. Mine is pitted but presentable for a driver but I am always on the look out for a good one. This particular D25 is next to what looks like a Simca wagon and on the other side is a red car on end.

BTW how did you make out with the VW? Brendan.


The bug deal feel through, at the last minute. Good thing as I would have no time for it now, barely any time for the Chrysler.

So what are you saying, did you want me to call Bill about the grill, did you want it if available, at the right price. Let me know via PM or Email.............Fred

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