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Goodguys car show this weekend and other events!

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If your in the Seattle area and don't know it then the Goodguys Car Show will be in Puyallup, Wa. this weekend. To register your car and show it oft is $50 dollars and if you want to join the Goodguys car association than you can add another 20 dollar bill.

I myself think 50 dollars is a bit much and so I will just do a walk in at 15 dollars for the day or maybe just Sunday when they let you show your car for the price of admission.

Its a very good show and lots of great car stuff to be seen and lots of entertainment for the kids and wives (That's if she not interested in car?).

I'm going to take the Old Dodge out on Saturday with wife in tow and do another car show in Gig Harbor and it called the Cruising the Narrows Gig Harbor Show and its at the Gig Harbor air port. Should be nice weather and looking forward to jacking my jaws oft at this event.

So two car events this weekend for us folks up here in the Puget Sound area and maybe I might just see someone there from this site. Jon



I went to my first Goodguys event this year in Nashville. Really enjoyed all the cars and vendors. Of course, didn't get any pics :mad:. Maybe next year I'll remember my camera!

This weekend gonna take the p-15 to a local cruise. Supposed to be nice weather here, as cool as it has been here this month August may be a hot one.


Steve, I went to that Goodguys show in Nashville last year....just happened to be in town at the right time. Sure were lots of nice cars including some nifty old MoPars.....I did take quite a few pics. So many sharp cars of all sorts, it kind of boggles the mind.

Was this green coupe there again??.....was my favorite.


There was this '42 Plym street rod convert......


And this two door sedan......for you two tone fans.


Jon.....you have a lot happening in your area .... sounds like a full weekend of old cars.

May take the Plym to a cruise-in Saturday night at Nixa, MO.....about an hour from here. A guy I know is providing the music

for the event. Will be fun to hear him again......haven't seen him much in the past 30 years.



I only saw one p-15 there this year. Maybe there was more, but there were so many cars I did not get to see all of them. I did not see any of the ones you have pictures of there. The one I saw was candy apple red.

I'm heading over to Frog Follies Street rod show in Evansville, IN. in a month. Will remember to take my camera as lots of p-15's there last year.

Hey Jon,

The big show I'm looking to browse is this weekends Deuce Day in Victoria, over 400 1932 Fords, with over 700 cars in total. Should be a good one.


Hi Steve,

There is a group of cars that started out for "Duece Day" on July 17th from Toronto. Named the "Canadian Hot Rod Tour" it was the brainchild of Frank Colgoni, a well known Toronto street rodder. Frank built a new 32 roadster with the help of many of his friends for the trip and as I write this should be on the ferry to Vancouver Island along with a large group of followers. My wife and I started out on the tour but could only spare a couple of days so had to turn back at Sault St. Marie Ontario. The tour is working with the Rick Hansen Foundation for spinal cord injuries to raise money for thier cause. If you are at the event be sure to say hello to Frank and his wife Judy, they are very nice people. Sure wish I was there.




I will be at the event, with my Dad's 48 Dodge parked outside the show (didn't register in time, but want to advertise that it is for sale). Tonnes of cars were downtown tonight, it was a blast to just sit and watch them all cruise by.

Apparently, Jay Leno is in town with a couple of his cars, Vic Edelbrock is in town with his deuce, and I saw one 32 today from the UK.

Unfortunately, someone called in a bomb threat to the Ferries, so there was no 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 o'clock ferry tonight. Most entrants to the show were in town today as there were activities today as well, but hopefully not to many cars got caught in this ferry scare.

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