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Water pump leaks at the top of the gasket 39 Desoto

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Ok received the correct wp for my 39 Desoto witht he 1/2 inch body on the lower left mounting stud.


here is the issue.  reconnected the pump witht he new gasket and all bolts are tight.


Pump af into the radiator and filled it. Notice that it is leaking and the back plate at the top where the body of the Wp touches the fron on the engine block.  This are is clean an nothing left over from the old gasket. Never leak before this time.  I have install  this new Wp twice and get the same issue.


Question do I need to use a permetex on the gasket sealer on both side of the water backing plate or any suggestions on what to do.  Need some assistance from the guru's of the club. Trying to get the car ready to take to the National Clun Convention next week. Have been working on this issue all day.


Need some Advise.


Rich Hartung


Cell 484-431-8157  you can call if you like I am up till 11 Eastern Time i9n Philadelphia, PA.


If I recall I did not use any gasket cement. I applied a liberal coat of grease to both sides of both gaskets. I did that to most all the gaskets in my engine. I did use thread sealant on all threads that go into the water jacket.






Don, Tks for replying back to me.  Well I took the pump off for the third time. I looked at lot closer to the front of the engine block and low and behold where the water was leaking I did find some left ove real hard gasket like it was mabe put on originally with some permatex. 


I use a flat screw driver to scrap clean the surface and then use some heavy grit sand paper and got down to all bare nice real clean shiny metal. I had replaced the water pump maybe 10 years ago but did not have this issue with the gasket.


So hopefully on Friday I can get it back together. I amy going to let the fron of the engine bloc air dray and take a real closer look at it in the morning.  This has been an all day job. tired for the night. I will get this think fixed before Wednesday of next week.


Will keep everyone posted of this issue. I might have some lubriplate in my garge and might try that on the back of the gasket as you di on your engine.  This should such a simple job.


Rich Hartung


UPDATE:  After taking the pump off for the third time last night I discovered that there was some left over permatex and some of the real old gasket material still on the block.  I ran my finger nail over the entire surface and found it. It looked brown but could feel the buildup. Scraped and sanded the entire area to be clean and bright.  As per Don's advise I put some grease on both side of the gasket and also installed a second gasket.  Bolted up the unit and filled the radiator, NO LEAKS at the back of the WP. Ran the car upto over 180 degress in the garage and no leaks so I quess we are good to Go.


Remember you must have a real clean smooth area for the gasket to work correctly.


Rich Hartung

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