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How Do I Move Major Brake Adjusters From Behind Backing Plate?

Go to solution Solved by TJM70's_48,

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I have started working on my brakes & will be replacing wheel cylinders this week. When I'm done I'll do the major adjustment...and I think I have most of the process figured out except for one question about the heel adjustments.


Should I loosen the nuts on the backing plate slightly to move the eccentric cam into position on the inside? 


I don't have the real brake tool so I'm using a home-made version to get the shoes concentric. I want to move the heel into loose contact with the drum, use the tool to get things round...as I have read in many posts here...that part I get.


How tight should the nuts on the heel adjusters be? How should I move them from the backing plate and how do I know which way to turn them to increase / decrease clearance at the heel?


Should I cut screwdriver slot into the end of the bolt and then adjust / hold in place / tighten the nut? 


I am sorry for such basic questions but I want to get it done right and could use the help. I get a little movement in both directions when I turn the nut on the backing plate, which makes me wonder about how to get it "locked" without moving the proper adjustment.


Yes, loosen the nuts. Then, on the inside, the anchor pins have flats for a wrench so you can turn them, and hold them when tightining the nuts. They will also gave an arrow stamped into the ends to indicate the high side of the eccentric.


Posted (edited)

OK, I think I understand correctly; 


I get the adjustment made and then tighten everything before putting the drum on.


I was under the impression that final adjustments to the eccentrics were made with the drum on from behind the backing plate...

Edited by TJM70's_48
  • Solution

Thanks, Merle...this makes sense to me but a lot of this is new territory for me.


It's nice to get confirmation from someone more experienced than me. I appreciate the help...just want the car to stop properly and safely...it's a too important for me to do any guessing.


Yes, I have read and re-read...and searched about every post on the forum on the topic...plus the motors manual and shop manual...and I took apart a spare rear end first as a trial run to see what I was getting into before touching my car...but there were still some questions on my end. I may have read too many sources - hands on experience resulted in a couple other questions.

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