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OT, Roadrunner pillowcase OT, but interesting

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My son Austin was born in 1978 and after some back and forth his mom and I ended our marriage a year or so later. I raised him from age 2 up into adulthood, by myself, a single dad in a time where single dads were not common. We had a sort of Tom Sawyer life together, two guys just growing up and older together. We played a lot at fishing, cars, bikes, camping, cooking and just being silly boys together. One of the most treasured items from his childhood was, and is, a Roadrunner Pillowcase. It was his most highly treasured possession and after years and years of use and love it became so thread bare it had to be retired to the chest of treasures.

Fast forward to now. Today my son is a 34 year old veteran of two tours in Iraq, a Major in the US Army, and about to deploy to Afghanistan for his third tour of duty in five years. As a family, I and my wife, my daughter and his wife, sons, and daughter have decided the one thing we need to send along with him is another roadrunner pillowcase. Sentimental folks we are. And I am a pretty resourceful fellow, but try as I might I have found not one of them, not one for sale! I did fine one that sold last July and I am nagging the seller to introduce me to the buyer, but nothing yet. So, as the most resourceful group of Moparaholics on the world wide web....can you help me achieve my sentimental goal? Anything any of you can do to help me find and buy this childhood treasure for my son would be forever appreciated by all of us, and by him!



Suggestion: Take the picture to one of those mall booths that take your pic and then makes a "T" shirt or a air spraying artist. Take a 'pillow case along and have them put the picture on the case, then stuff in the pillow. . . Just an idea.


Charlie, wonderful story! As a Vietnam combat veteran please pass along my gratitude to your son for his continued service.

As to the pillow case, one of the local screen print shops claims that they can copy and print anything... You might check your local shops, perhaps they can duplicate it.


Thanks for the replies and ideas. My main problem is not having one to copy. If I could even get a good digital pic of one I could have fabric printed. Barring finding one that would be the next best thing. I really appreciated the post on the Roadrunner forum, those guys probably have a closet full of them still in the wrappers!!! I'll keep you posted.

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