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:) Canadians two-bit spies: U.S.

Contractors suspected quarter used complex nano-technology


WASHINGTON -- An odd-looking Canadian quarter was the culprit behind a false espionage warning from the U.S. Defense Department about mysterious coins with radio frequency transmitters.

The harmless "poppy quarter" was so unfamiliar to suspicious U.S. army contractors in Canada they filed confidential espionage accounts about them. The worried contractors described the coins as "filled with something man-made that looked like nano-technology," according to once-classified U.S. government papers.

The supposed nano-technology actually was a protective coating to prevent the red colour from rubbing off. The mint produced nearly 30 million of the quarters in 2004.

"Under high power microscope, it appeared to be complex consisting of several layers of clear, but different material, with a wire-like mesh suspended on top," wrote one U.S. contractor.

The confidential accounts led to a sensational warning from U.S. officials that mysterious coins with radio frequency transmitters were planted on U.S. contractors with classified security clearances on at least three separate occasions.

A quarter, which prompted a U.S. spy warning, is seen under black light. The rectangle isn't seen under regular light.


Hmm, George W.B. just made new friends with the French....

Nothing really wrong with Quebec, just really really funny when they tell you the value in Canadian French and add "dollar" with this very strang pronounciation. Made me lauch everytime !


Guest Dave Claussen

Maybe Canada would like to take some of our fine politicians for a test drive. I've got a list of them for your consideration. There's one who's husband was Commander in Chief a few years back who aspires for the same office. We'd be glad to let you have her in trade for some of those "spy quarters". OK, just kidding. You really wouldn't want her anyway. How about George and his dad? Make you a real deal on those two. And I even voted for both of them!


Dave, trust me, we have some doozies ourselves ;(

There was a parliamentary inquiry about...wait for it...why a certain hockey player was chosen team Captain!!!!!

The bosses of Hockey Canada...a vital agency...had to appear so as to explain why the coach chose this guy!!!


Dave, trust me, we have some doozies ourselves ;(

There was a parliamentary inquiry about...wait for it...why a certain hockey player was chosen team Captain!!!!!

The bosses of Hockey Canada...a vital agency...had to appear so as to explain why the coach chose this guy!!!


I agree with you on that one Pat.... get the politicians back to business and leave the hockey to the rest of us...... in the meantime, the captain is proving WHY he was named captain... and it has nothing to do with trash talk.... anyways... its a "dead party" in my opinion that brought the whole thing up, since the leader will soon be trying to be Quebec leader... and the rest of em will jump back on the Conservative bandwagon as they were before they jumped ship years ago..... Politicians, you can change their colors as much as you want, what comes out of their mouths is still and always will be brown......



I think the US government wants the beer...so they can destroy it to make sure the citizens of the US don't find out about it!!!

That would be a disaster if you found out WE have the leaded beer and YOU have unleaded ;)

But, we are Canadians and we WILL share the beer...fer shur!!!

Dave, trust me, we have some doozies ourselves ;(

There was a parliamentary inquiry about...wait for it...why a certain hockey player was chosen team Captain!!!!!

The bosses of Hockey Canada...a vital agency...had to appear so as to explain why the coach chose this guy!!!


Hey, the idiots down here held a congressional hearing (still ongoing, I might add) on steroid use in professional sports. That's just about as important as the declining gopher population in Airdrie. I don't give a rip about some multi-millionaire who wants to be all puffed up on roids and die of kidney failure or heart disease at the ripe old age of 30......

I'm on the olympic canadain beer drinking team...

its a government sponsored event..

just kidding :)

had you americans going tho, didnt I? hehe

Dangit! It's not real?! I have been training for the last 15 years of my life to make the US Team. I am only 33, but champions have to start young. I even moved to Texas to take advantage of the open-container laws & cheap steriods from Mexico.

Guess I could always play for the Spurs. I can knock down Steve Nash better than Robert Horry did.


Dangit! It's not real?! I have been training for the last 15 years of my life to make the US Team. I am only 33, but champions have to start young. I even moved to Texas to take advantage of the open-container laws & cheap steriods from Mexico.

Guess I could always play for the Spurs. I can knock down Steve Nash better than Robert Horry did.


Check out where Steve Nash is FROM :D

Check out where Steve Nash is FROM :D

Who would have thunk it? He doesn't even look like he can drink beer OR play hockey. You Canadians are sneaky. Next thing you know, the nightly news anchors, the top models, and our musicians will be from Canada. :rolleyes:


Who would have thunk it? He doesn't even look like he can drink beer OR play hockey. You Canadians are sneaky. Next thing you know, the nightly news anchors, the top models, and our musicians will be from Canada. :rolleyes:


Hate to tell you, but....:D

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