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Ot-Mr. Casey and the old 36 Ford panel truck not to be!

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Just thought you guys might enjoy a short story about part of my life as a 14 year old boy and my first experience at buying a car.

When I was growing up there was an old time plumber living next door and he had a panel stuck in his back yard. He was from the old school of save everything and that that panel truck sat in the middle of a field of toilets, water heaters and kitchen sinks. Anyway old Mr. Casey back in the mid forties lost his drivers license (Like to drink the Irish coffee!) and just ran that old truck back into the pile of plumbers junk. I went over one day and asked him if I could buy it from him and he said yes. So I offered him 15 dollars and he accepted that amount. Well I went home and told my dad about my new investment and he said fine with him. So I waited about a week to get back to Mr. Cassey and dig out that old panel truck. Well I went back into his field of dreams and no truck was to be found but a bare spot where it had been. I went up to Mr. Cassey and asked him where the truck was and he said that it would have been to much trouble to dig out all those toilets, water heaters and other stuff so he had two black guys come over and cut it up!!!! End of my story and my little panel truck that was noT to be. Oh well just another story in life and Mr. Cassey he has long since past but I will remember my field of dreams and the the panel that got away from me.:D Jon

PS. Here is a picture of me standing next to my best buddy in high school Model T! He bought that for 75 dollars not a bad deal.



Edited by JIPJOBXX

Well that part of the transaction was to be done when I received the truck. It was a fairly cherry old panel truck and its to bad that he just went ahead and had it cut up. Oh well life moved on!:)

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