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Hey all, I figured I better do something on the car, it has beena while.

Today I cut backerboard, used 1/4 inch foam, same material as the seats and door panels.

I got everything cut to fit, used 3M Super 77 spray adhesive and put it together. It fits pretty good too.

Please excuse my pic, I still need to paint the back window garnish and install a headliner............Fred PS also included is an old pic of my Dad, Sister, and me, circa July 1967



Geez Fred;

Too bad your pop is so much better lookin than you:rolleyes:

As you and I both can relate;), someone has to play the ugly role in the family.:rolleyes:........LOL:p

Looks good Fred

I graduated in '67

Thanx Bob, as far as 1967 is concerned I was 6 YO, but I do remember events like this wedding.......Fred


Nah Bob, I am 6' 2", she is 5'5", and the shortest Sister is 5'2".

Rodney, yes I am smiling, and no I did not dip into the adults punch, I must a been havin a good time that day, I still remember 1 of my Aunt's giving me a 50 cent piece, I could buy a lot with that in those days.......


Back on topic :) When I saw your posting for a package shelf I recalled that norms coupe had some instructions on doing that and led me to wondering if his web site was still active as he had some good informatiom on there. It is still active and here is a link to the package shelf if anyone needs to redo theirs.


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