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Due to the economy and the fact that we work for greedy bastages Lynn and I are going to lose our home. We're luckier than most in this situation in that Lynn's Dad lives near us and has offered us the other half of his duplex for the price of utilities and half the insurance, but that means a slight change of plans for painting Pigiron, my '48 P-15.

Many of you have suggested I paint the car with a spray gun and I've never been against that other than the cost of the equipment and a place to do it but lacking both my plan has been to roll the paint. The new place has a nice out-building that would easily accommodate the fenders, etc, so I'm thinking all the parts that can be removed could be sprayed in the shed and I'd need only roll the body. Thing is, I still don't have the money for the equipment.

New plan: Roll the body and get one of those cheap airless sprayers ($100 or less). I've looked around the forum for one of the posts written on this topic but can't located here so I'm asking you to either direct me to the correct terminology for "Search" or give an opinion of the least of the many evils I see on the net.




Home Depot sells a Wagner HVLP self contained electric spray gun for less than $100.00. I have one and with the primer thinned to the proper consistency it sprayed the primer on a rear fender that I have for my 55 Chevy pick up. It came out as smooth as my regular spray gun and compressor does and is great for small jobs. You can find them in the same area at Home Depot or Lowes as the bigger airless sprayers. Lowes sells a HVLP turbine type with the garden hose size hose to the gun for $175.00 and on sale for $100.00 sometimes, it is made in jolly old England.


I have a bunch of old guns that need cleaning, i would be glad to send you one and you would just need to soak it in some thinner overnight and clean it up. let me know. Mike

PS i assume you have access to a air compressor?


Sorry to hear of your misfortunes, glad to hear you are not giving iup on your car. Hey how about posting a pic of it, as I have never seen it before.

So you are gonna try and spray it, did you give up on the roller idea for a paint job.....



Let's see if I got the pic loaded better than one I tried yesterday. The hood has a coat of primer for protection, the RR fender is in the garage getting beaten back into shape, and what you see is the remnants of five coats of paint. I'm going to hang off removing the front clip until after the move.


I'm still going to roll the body and enjoy doing it because then I'll be able to show the difference between spraying and rolling, hopefully there won't be much if any at all. Besides, I'm not sure if I could successfully roll and sand the window frames.


Thank you very much for the offer, Mike; let me get closer to ready and I'll probably take you up on the offer. I have a 4.5 cfm (@125 psi) compressor with a five gallon tank and I plan to attach a ten gallon tank in tandem. This won't give me much in the way of spraying time but since what I'm going to use it for are the smaller parts (fenders, etc.) and do them one at a time I doubt I'll work it so hard that I'll burn it up.


Thank you all for the well wishes but Lady Lynn and I are counting our blessings that we're not going to be out on the street. I wish that others in our situation (and there are way too many) could be half so fortunate as are we and hopefully the tide will turn for all of us soon.


Posted (edited)

Fred, et al,


Try this. If it doesn't work this time I'll make a line drawing and once you print it then puke on it; you'll get the idea.


Once again I've directed you to the entire album. I'll leave it this time but from now on I'm going to find something other than the bucket for pics.

Edited by randroid

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