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I think someone was asking about the radio face plate for the 802 mopar radio that comes up on e-bay from time to time. I bought one about 4 months ago and finally got it installed on my radio a couple of week ago, plus I think I have figured out how to post a photo to the new forum so Any way the first picture is of my old radio plate the second is the new face plate.... :) DW

PS click on thumbnail to see a larger photo, I think:confused :confused:




Looks nice Dwight. To use an even larger picture, click on that yellow envelope at top of the message area that looks like it has a mountain on it. You can insert a picture link there that does not have the size restrictions of the thumbnail process.


Glad you posted that Dwight. Have one sitting in front of me off ebay but hadnt put it in yet. Kind of a last on the list item for me right now but good to know they fit as shoud and all. Sure would like to know the process on how they put the numbers and background on :)


I use to repro these back in the late 70's. This one looks like a 3 color process with the paint being silk screened on the back of the glass. Looks like white first,black second,and silver third.

Sure wish I hadn't sold that little business for next to nothing. Woulda been great for a retirement job.


9 times out of 10 the radio face plate is unreadable. They tend to look worse than dash gauges do because of the paint flaking off. I could settle for a readable non restored radio plate but even then if your doing the dash gauges then it only makes sense to do the faceplate and anything else that needs attention while your there.


The first dash glass I made was for my 41 Chevy 1/2 ton I was restoring and my little business blossomed from there. I must have had at least 100 different types that I had collected up from different junk yards and then reproduced. My wife at the time thought I had gone mad until she attended a swap meet with me in Pleasanton,Ca. and she saw them sell like hot cakes!


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