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Well got a little closer to getting the motor back in, got the firewall done and painted, tonight i will paint the frame. here are a few pics, let me know what you guys think of the color. for those that were wondering about the restoration shop paint this is it. it works good and dries pretty quickly, flows out good also.

Sanding it down,


Shot of the frame,


In primer,


Blocked out ready for color,


And Mint Green!




Is this the acrylic enamel or basecoat/clearcoat they sell? I used it on my car and it worked out very nice.

I used enamel on the interior pieces and wheels and the basecoat/clearcoat on the rest of the car. I was extremely happy for the price I paid for the paint.

Your car is looking good there. Can't wait to see it all in that color.


Just the regular ol' acrylic enamel. I spent the rest of the day helping my brother put his 29 a bone together after 15yrs, I guess he got the bug to finish it after going to the NSRA Western nats last weekend.


Not really, I am usualy working on someone elses car most of the time and don't have time to work on mine. This one is gettin done though cause it is going to be the around town driver, I am going to park the P/U unless i need it to haul something.


Car is starting to take shape. I love the colour as it appears close to the original green some of these car were painted. Did you try to match an original colour. Keep the pictures coming!


That looks nice, how did you get that frame down to the metal like that? I have tried, to much built up grease I guess. I like and have done the firewall before install, that makes the whole thing look great in the end. You California guy's got it made. I wish I lived out there:)

Your bother has a 29 wow!


Good ol' easy off oven cleaner!! the comercial kind, this car is covered in undercoat, from the frame to the whole underside of the body. after the easy off what little was left i went at it with a wire wheel on a 4 1/2" grinder. i did not get a pic of the frame when it was done, the whole thing all the way to the firewall was bare metal except the front suspension as i am going to pull it off later and hot tank it all.

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