I've got an all-original 1/2 ton 4:10 rear end with new brakes and no major leaks, but noticed some clunking when going between forward and reverse. Sometimes when starting from a stop in first, there's a "ping" from the rear as the truck starts moving.
When I had the filler plug off last, I looked in there with a flash light, while moving the companion flange back and forth (driveshaft removed). I could see the ring and pinion clearly. There was quite some free play back and forth with the flange, like a few degrees of rotation, but the ring and pinion were engaged good with no visible excessive backlash between the teeth. The teeth wear pattern looked excellent.
The axle nuts at the wheels are tight, and the keyways and pins are tight...what else could be loose? I'd be hard pressed to believe its the axle splines. Do the diferential side and pinion gears ever wear out? I've never spun a wheel while I've had this truck, but the fluid has gotten low here and there with the former leaky pinion seal.
Looking at the shop manual, taking the differential case apart looks like a b*tch...it says to heat it with a torch and use a special tool to unscrew the case cap. Ugh...