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Everything posted by rustbucket

  1. I have a 50 business coupe(or think I may). How do I find out for sure what year it is? Also, I know it's not a p15 or d24, but what would it be then? I am finding parts grease-penned with '52 here and there as I tear it apart, makes me wonder.
  2. Petronics(sp?).
  3. Check into getting it soda blasted.
  4. Broke my leg in '83, mom spent $13,000 to get me a couple screws installed. Pricey as hell, but they have not rusted yet.
  5. I like how the bumper matches the look of the car(all roundy and stuff).
  6. Nice! Is that a stock bumper(back). My 50 has a different one, and now I have the bumper envy.
  7. Now that I have a plan, I have a new question. I want to replace all the external seals while I have it out, can I just remove the pieces that have seals under them, and replace the seals, or is it going to erupt, with gizzards flying everywhere, as soon as I get the bolts off. Also, got any trusted sources for the seals?
  8. Mmm...Smorgas.
  9. Damn! You must be a crafty somuvabitch.
  10. Is it a difficult swap? I can weld a hairpin to tin foil, but I'm no machinist.
  11. Oh...A t5...I don't speak fluent chevinese. That must have been a fun project, but I can't have my friends seeing me with chevy parts on the mopar.
  12. Color me dumb, but, what's a T-5?
  13. I think I have a plan. Just going to build my own shifter system, using some of the stock linkages(modified) and an after market 3sp. floor shifter. It will not be as nice as a factory swap of some type, but what the hell.
  14. "Do you think we'll need a 12 pack or a full case?" My dad has problems, but he knows his 60's-70's Mopars.
  15. That's a good point. I just want to shift from the floor, that column shifting is tiring.
  16. I am pulling the the motor and three speed tranny out of my 49 plymouth p18 to put in my 50 dodge biz-coupe. But now I am thinking of swaping the the trans. for a top shifter. What are my best options for a donor vehicle? A truck of the same era? Or maybe it's just linkage swap I need? Any tips or advice.
  17. I've heard stories about pouring oil in the spark plug holes and soaking it for a while and then pulling it with another rig and popping the clutch. Not sure I would do it, but it would be fun to watch.
  18. Pretty much what you just mentioned, plus there seems to be alot of small stuff that interchanges. The 50 was saved from a wrecker, and is missing most anything that was bolted on. After the reassembly, I will start the sheet metal restoration. I wish the 50 was in as good shape as the 49.
  19. Sounds like the wire that runs thru the steering shaft might be shorting.
  20. I am in Portland Oregon(hence rustbucket). I am a second generation mopar man, with a little sickness for aircooled vw's too. I have a 49 Plymouth Special Deluxe, and the current apple of my eye, my '50 Dodge Business Coupe. I am pulling everything I can off of the Plymouth to complete my Dodge, then I can take it all back apart!
  21. Thanks guys! I suspected something of that nature, but I wanted to be sure before I got into it. I am anticepating a struggle and possibly a few curse words.
  22. Hey I got a '50 dodge bizzcoupe, and I can't figure out how to remove the door locks gracefully.
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