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About blue71c

  • Birthday September 4

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  • My Project Cars
    1953 Dodge Meadowbrook


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    All things vintage

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  1. Can't get enough info and ideas!
  2. I've used those brushes before, I still have them. They'll be perfect for $5.
  3. I'll start with this: https://m.harborfreight.com/9-piece-tube-pipe-nylon-brush-set-90631.html Then move up to this: https://m.harborfreight.com/Engine-Brush-Kit-20-Pc-63732.html It will eventually end up at a shop to be machined and cleaned then I'll clean it up again.
  4. I have it soaking in a tub of Mean Green degreaser with a pump flowing through all the holes, would that work after machining or should I use something else?
  5. Time for a rebuild.
  6. I've got one piston left and the valve train. Then off to the machine shop.
  7. Already on it!
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